House of Pain Site Q Yunus put the call out for a Q and YHC jumped on the opportunity as it’s been a while since Qing at House of Pain.
YHC put the call out for an EC 5K – having heard all of the great Slack Mumble chatter by the likes of 2Ply, Elf, etc… – and Yunus joined for a nice run to warm up.
9 physically distanced PAX arrived and started with a warm up as Nails slide in to make it 10…
SSH IC x 20
IW IC x 20
Arm circles (big, small, forward, backward) IC X 20
Deep Squat x 20
Willie Mays Hayes IC x 10
Harvester IC x 20
Slow Merkin x 20
Mountain Climbers IC x 20
The Thang
The PAX were set up in 10 positions about 30 feet apart to perform the following exercises in 1:00 long stations (the goal was to “build a burpees”).
Station 1 – Johnny Dramas
Station 2 – Squat
Station 3 – Jump Squat
Station 4 – kick backs
Station 5 – merkins
Station 5 – merkins
Station 6 – kick backs
Station 7 – squat
Station 8 – jump squat
Station 9 – burpee
Station 10 – run around the church
The PAX completed two cycles of each of the stations. Once we built these burpees, we took a physically distant position about 15 feet apart on the far side of the parking lot. The PAX were instructed to complete progressive travelling burpees across the parking lot (travelling burpee 1 – 1 broad jump, 1 merkin burpee; travelling burpee 2 – 2 broad jumps, 2 merkin burpee; travelling burpee 3 – 3 broad jumps, 3 merkin burpee and so and and so forth). Once the PAX got to the near side of the parking lot nearest the church, the PAX did the opposite number back 10, to 9, to 8 and so on and so forth. The PAX had just enough time to do a two minute out and back travelling merkin exercise….and on to
Flutter Kicks IC x 20
Freddie Mercuries IC x 20
J-Los IC x 20
Heels to Heaven IC x 20
It was a solid group that braved the cold and was willing to do the CSAUP this morning. Grateful to get to know the PAX better and get the day off to a warm and great start!