“Even saw the lights of the Goodyear blimp
And it read Marky Mark’s a pimp”
(At least I think that’s how it goes)
5 burpees, 25 SSH, 15 merkins, 10 windmills, 5 burpees
5 Burpees
10 Lunges (each leg)
15 Imperial Walkers
20 merkins
25 plank jacks
30 squats
10 plank dips
15 Imperial Walkers
20 merkins
25 plank jacks
30 squats
10 Lunges (each leg)
15 Imperial Walkers
20 merkins
25 plank jacks
30 squats
Bear Crawl 50 count IC, crab walk back to starting point
5 burpees, 30 second high plank, 5 burpees, 30 second low plank, 5 burpees, 10 Peter Parker w/3 count holds