Black Friday Special

November 26, 2018

WHEN: 11/23/2018
QIC: @toast_McQueen
PAX: @buffay, @nubbin, @cortez, @muzungu, @redOctober, @darkknight, @Q-tip, @menudo (FNG), @starburst, @violet (FNG), @fitz,

Waking up on a cold crisp Black Friday in the gloom was not easy (but it was easier than usual as we started #duck-and-weave at 8:00 instead of the normal 5:30.)  With multiple 2.0s and 1 M in toe we began the Black Friday Special


25 SSH, 10 Good mornings, 10 WMHS, 10 overhead claps, 10 seal claps

The Thang

We mosied to the ballos de negro for some traveling burpees from the balls to the stop sign.  We then mosied to the corner of Weaver street and found our first wreath.  YHC informed the PAX that in honor of @nickleback we would be running through town and at each light pole wreath we found we would be doing burpees adding one each time we got to a wreath.  All told we found 12 wreaths for a total of 78 burpees.

As our location was the police station parking lot we decided to do a couple of rounds of beep, beep I’m a jeep.  I think the 2.0s liked that one.  We then did some WMD’s and star jumps before moseying to the court house lawn.  YHC informed PAX to find an area with more leaves and less mud.  We then alternated hand release merkins and LBCs on the leafs.  From there we left and found the wall near the fire station to do peoples chair and calf raises.


Flutter Kicks, ABC’s, Planks


Prayers for @buffay and @toolbox for the impending births.

Prayers for @milton and his wife.


It always amazes me the energy that some 2.0s have.  Just to be up and awake is one thing but to come out and workout it truly inspiring.  Thanks to all.