October 28, 2021

WHEN: 10/28/2021
QIC: BumpDraft
PAX: 12

I wasn’t planning on using the ‘be a man’ theme. It was kind of organic. Similar to Kant’s The Critique of Pure Reason–I realized during the warmup that I needed to apply time and space to this an already well-planned beatdown.

Never warm-up: BE A MAN

Warm-up: bear crawl up hill and then run to end; crawl bear; and then bear crawl up; move to wall for 5 count people’s chair

Never clarify instructions: BE A MAN


On your six, do 2 Big Boy Situps. Remain upright after last BB and lift feet up 6″. Do 10 Air Presses. Back down for 4 BB followed by 20 Air Presses with legs held 6″. Repeat using increments of 2:10 ratio. (2:10, 4:20, 6:30, 8:40, 10:50, etc…) (Called “The Febreze” because PAX named Febreze always increases the difficulty of a workout and he was the one who decided to hold his feet up 6″ during the Air Presses.)

Jack Webbs: Jack Webbs

A merkin then 4 air press combination initiated on the Q’s command, with an ascending rep count of each, usually up to 10 merkins and 40 air presses. Can also sub overhead claps for the air presses if you really want some complaining.

Burpee Sit-up Combo 1 burpee; 3 military merkin combination

Archie Bunker for President | Busy Beaver Button Museum

Don’t Use Spellcheck: Be A Man

  • I changed some of what was written out; I can do that–I’m a man

Mosey to hill sideways bear crawl down; and then hallejuahs crawl up hill; back down


Wheel barrows to top of hill one partner; backward wheel barrows after other is done


Burpee hopovers back to wall;

Balls to the Wall and People’s Chair Combo

Mary: Partner Abs kick things

Announcements: Yes

COT: Men should support other men even if it means going beyond the gloom. You’ll always have time to be a man. Just ask Earl Weaver.



Fiery Orioles manager Earl Weaver dead at 82 - CBS News