Ball drop at Kings Dominion

December 29, 2021

WHEN: 12/29/2021
QIC: Vice
PAX: Looney, Max Power, Crash Cart, Cherry Baked

With a new year and the holiday season behind us, Santa gave to me a few new F3 toys to share with the boys. The them of the workout is a countdown in a  ladder style while rotating through the different stations.

Warmarama- SSH, Forward and Reverse Arm Circles, WMH, Michael Phelps

The THANG- 10 stations with the timer for rotating being either the farmers carry or the ball toss.

Station 1 or 1 0’clock- balance board- working on stability

Station 2 or 2 o’clock- overhead pass with the ball. Take the light weight ball and pass it back and forth until the timer says time to switch.

Station 3 or 3 o’clock- farmers carry- grab the two sand bags and walk around the circle/clock as a timer

Station 4 or 4 o’clock- new toy- gorilla bow, use the handle of the bow as a base and then arm curl the bands

Station 5 or 5 o’clock- Ball toss- take the weighted ball bend down and using an explosive motion throw the ball from the seated squat touching the ground to as high as you can, Start with 10 tosses and work your way down to 1

Station 6 or 6 o’clock- Bowling ball apollo ohnos- hold the bowling ball like you are about go bowling and then do a step back lunge with each leg but don’t let the ball drop… keep that up and isolated

Station 7 or 7 o’clock- dips- simple just dip till the timer says switch

Station 8 or 8 o’clock- another new toy- weighted mace- shovel and bury all the shit from the past year using this weighted mace, switching sides of the shoveling motion and throwing in over the right and left shoulder

Station 9 or 9 c’clock- merkins with the kettlebells- this station didn’t quite workout with the soft surface of the playground but the idea was to take the kettlebell, do a merkin and then squat with the kettlebell and then overhead press the kettlebell

And now I am realizing that we only had nine stations- so I missed out on the cardio station that will be there for the next round of this q. Thanks to the 4 folks that came out to join me and hopefully they will all come back out the next time around I give this one a go around their neighborhood.

COT- Castaway still not feeling well, there are a few guys who are still on the IR and might need some fellowship and fun. Green Acres is having an outside fire pit and football watching, beer drinking get together at his place on New Year’s.