The Rambler and Chum pulled a bait-and-switch Q, and as a result YHC felt the pressure to lead a workout that would make The Rambler proud. I also felt the pressure to not “leggo of my Eggo” as I was still dragging axles from a guys weekend where we tried to act like we did in our 20s.
Gave the 1-minute warning, which of course caused several more cars to pull into the parking lot. On a related note, I will bet a paycheck that no one can park as fast and as NASCAR-esque as Nescafe.
- Imperial Walkers
- Arm Circles, Forward & Reverse
- Stretches
Main Event
The Escalating Escalator Pyramid Thingamajig Whatchacallit
- Round 1: 5 Burpees. Take a lap around the parking lot.
- Round 2: 10 Burpees. 10 (IC) Overhead Claps. Take a lap.
- Round 3: 15 Burpees. 15 (IC) Overhead Claps. 15 (SC) Merkins. Take a lap.
- Round 4: 20 Burpees. 20 (IC) Overhead Claps. 20 (SC) Merkins. 20 (IC) FK. Take a lap.
- Round 5: 25 Burpees. 25 (IC) Overhead Claps. 25 (SC) Merkins. 25 (IC) FK. 25 (SC) Squats. Take a lap.
Now to get back down –
- Round 6: 20 (SC) Squats. 20 (IC) FK. 20 (SC) Merkins. 20 (IC) Overhead Claps. Take a lap.
- Round 7: 15 (SC) Squats. 15 (IC) FK. 15 (SC) Merkins. Take a lap.
- Round 8: 10 (SC) Squats. 10 (IC) FK. Take a lap.
- Round 9: 5 (SC) Squats. Take a lap.
- LBCs
- Gas Pumps
- Hello Dolly
- Stretch
- Site Q torch at The Wall has been passed from RG3 to Bright Idea and his vest. Congrats!
- Fingers & Zika are orchestrating the Inaugural 24-Hour Run for Malawi in Southern Village on April 5th-6th. Runners sign up for one hour time blocks and do as many laps as possible around our scenic 1 mile course. Each runner will get pledges on a per mile basis, with a goal of raising at least $100 per runner. End Goal is to raise enough money to build a pediatric lab and radiology suite.
Sign Up:
- The Gambler II (CSAUP) on Saturday, 4/6/19, at Briar Chapel. Visit #the_gambler_ii on Slack for deets.
Sorry for the Q bait-and-switch, but I am very thankful for everyone’s support today. Go out and conquer your week. Spring is almost here!
- Today marked the first time I received some smack talk from Zook. Not sure if I’m proud or ashamed.
- I think the men agree that The Rambler owes some burpees.