Hightower & Burpee Off

December 8, 2020

WHEN: 12/08/2020
QIC: Nighshift
PAX: Uzi, Big Kat, Red October, Poser, Funyon, GMA, Newt, Harbaugh


Run across the field and back in lanes for social distancing with high knees, butt kickers, karaoke, and Bernie Sanders

SSH, WMH, Merkins IT, squat IT

What had happened

In honor of F3GrandStrand lost Jacob “Hightower” Hancher. Based on Matthew 5:9

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

5 Exercises – 9 reps each. In classic Vortex style, we added some running to the mix!

  1. Burpees, run 100yds. Squats till all in then 9 together.
  2. Bodybuilders – burpee with Plank jack, run 100yds. Squats till all in then 9 together.
  3. Triple Merkin Burpees – burpee with 3 hand release merkins, run 100yds. Squats till all in then 9 together.
  4. Triple Jump Squat Burpees – burpee with 3 jump squats, run 100yds. Squats till all in then 9 together.
  5. Putting them all together. Triple Merkin Triple Jump Squat Bodybuilders – burpee with 3 hand release merkins, plank jack, and 3 jump squats, run 100yds. Squats till all in then 9 together.

End Hightower Hero WOD

  • Lunge walk 50yds, RYAO 50yds
  • Traveling Side squats 50yds, RYAO 50yds
  • Mosey 50yds, RYAO 50yds
  • Mosey 50yds, 1 burpee, RYAO 50yds
  • Mosey 50yds, RYAO 50yds
  • Mosey 50yds, 2 burpees, RYAO 50yds
  • Mosey 50yds, RYAO 50yds
  • Mosey 50yds, 3 burpess, RYAO 50yds

Burpee Off

Split up two teams- the 4 oldest vs. the 4 youngest. Younger pax had one more, so we took a pax average. Old pax=45. Younger pax=49