Cold Steel

November 25, 2020

WHEN: 11/25/2020
QIC: Misery
PAX: Yunus, Bells, Coxswain, Grandpa Ninja, Walkabout, Llama Llama, Invisalign, Sonar

YHC had the Q on a crisp November morning, the day before Thanksgiving.  10 PAX showed up ready to roll, 3 PAX for EC 5K run

Warm Up

SSH x 25
Good morning x 10
Little Baby Arm Circles x 10, Reverse
Willie Mays Hayes x 10
Imperial Walker x 15

Fellowship jog one lap around the church to the steel pile

The Thang

Each PAX grabbed steel and socially distanced for a couple of laps around the parking lot

First Lap

Walk with steel above head, stop at each corner for following exercises:
Overhead Press x 20
Bicep curls x 20
Bent over rows x 20
Tricep curls x 20

Second Lap

Grip steel with one hand, alternate hands as needed
Overhead Press x 20
Burpees x 10 OYO (gave the PAX a break from cold steel)
Bent over rows x 20

Pax lined up at end of parking lot for next exercise.  Walked up parking lot as a group, stopping at each island for escalating squats with steel
Squats x 10
Squats x 20
Squats x 30
Squats x 40

SSH x 25 so PAX got a brief respite from steel

Back down the parking lot, stopping again at each island
Bench press x10
Bench press x 20
Bench press x 30

Return the steel to the steel pile

Line up on lower parking lot.  Broad jump from to top of parking lot.  Incrementing Merkins with each jump.

First jump – 1 Merkin
Second jump – 2 Merkins
Third jump – 3 Merkins
And so on until you reach the top

Lunge walk back to the bottom and then job back to main parking lot for Mary


American Hammer x 20
LBC x 20
Flutter kicks x 20
Ski abs x 20