- Imperial Walkers
- Overhead/Seal Clap Combo
- Slow Squats
- Good Mornings
- Pax Choice
Main Event
Elevenses with Bricks.
- Brickees and Bus Drivers. Brickee: Like a Blockee, but with bricks. Hold brick in each hand. Drop down and do a burpee on the bricks. Upon return to standing, overhead press bricks. Bus Driver: Hold bricks out in front and rotate arms back and forth as if you were turning a steering wheel. [Editor’s note: these suck]. Brickees = SC, Bus Drivers = IC. Do 10 Brickees and then 1 Bus Driver. Next, 9 Brickees and 2 Bus Drivers. So on and so forth, with combined count always equal to eleven.
- Nutcrackers and Sit-Ups with Brick. Nutcracker: Fresh from the Lexicon, thanks to Rambler – With a brick in each hand held overhead, perform a lunge. At the same time, lower the arms and bring the bricks together between the legs. Return to the standing position, raising the bricks back overhead. Sit Ups with Brick: Hold brick in each hand and extend arms straight out. Do a sit-up.
- Merkins and Overhead Press. Merkins with hands on bricks; single count. Overhead Press = In cadence.
Shits and Gigs.
Petri Dish (courtesy of Petri from his VQ a few weeks ago): Lay flat on your stomach, Superman-style. Extend arms straight forward. Raise hands x 10. Rotate arms out to side (i.e., 3 and 9 o’clock). Raise hands x 10. Rotate arms back so that hands are by your hips. Raise your hands x 10. Then ‘clap’ hands, moving hands from hips to out in front of your head x 10.
- Dancing Chilcutts (just so I wouldn’t make Splashback a liar)
- Boxcutters (more love for Splashback)
- Gas Pumps (secretly hoped they’d work their namesake magic on Paper Jam and we’d get treated to an otherworldly toot to rival his from The Big House)
- Angry Beaver Part Duh Ruck Event, 11/21. See Slack or message Rambler for details.
- Boyardee will be experimenting with later (i.e., 0700 start) workouts on Thursdays. Message him for details.
- Southern Village Run Club. Sunday mornings. See #running channel or message Cousin Vinnie if interesting in participating.
Thankful as always for the opportunity and the support. I had the pleasure of my mom and brother visiting us for a long weekend. Be grateful for your blessings. Make the most of familial moments.
- Renamed ICE’s 2.0 from Scrum (his ‘kiddie’ name received at Sunnyside) to his young man name of Animal (he’s a drummer). Appears there may already be an Animal in Churham. Will confer with the Masters of the Universe and see what’s up. Personally, I vote for a drum-off with winner taking the name.
- Big thanks to the group of HIMs from Southern Village for making the trek to the mean, mean streets of BC.
- T-claps to Rambler for naming, submitting, and getting the Nutcracker exercise published for perpetuity in the F3 Lexicon.
- Huffy, as my M was gently reminding him to get ready for a school Zoom meeting: “Mom, but I’m so sore.” Insert maniacal Dad laugh here.
- I saw some post-workout mumblechatter about brick dust in some of the guys’ hair. I have no idea if I have any dust in my hair, as I can’t raise my hands to check.