Brick House

November 9, 2020

WHEN: 11/09/2020
QIC: Chum
PAX: (23 Total!) Spit Bucket, Huffy, Splashback, Lotus, Brotox, Rambler, Beaujalois, Boyardee, Marky Mark, Dueling Banjos, Dive, Bright Idea, Stubbs, Zook, RG3, Squi, Cousin Vinnie, Cauliflower, Paper Jam, Duplo, ICE, Animal (2.0 of ICE, renamed from his Sunnyside into his Young Man name)


  • Imperial Walkers
  • Overhead/Seal Clap Combo
  • Slow Squats
  • Good Mornings
  • Pax Choice


Main Event


Elevenses with Bricks.

  • Brickees and Bus Drivers. Brickee: Like a Blockee, but with bricks.  Hold brick in each hand.  Drop down and do a burpee on the bricks.  Upon return to standing, overhead press bricks.  Bus Driver: Hold bricks out in front and rotate arms back and forth as if you were turning a steering wheel.  [Editor’s note: these suck].  Brickees = SC, Bus Drivers = IC.  Do 10 Brickees and then 1 Bus Driver.  Next, 9 Brickees and 2 Bus Drivers.  So on and so forth, with combined count always equal to eleven.
  • Nutcrackers and Sit-Ups with Brick. Nutcracker: Fresh from the Lexicon, thanks to Rambler – With a brick in each hand held overhead, perform a lunge. At the same time, lower the arms and bring the bricks together between the legs. Return to the standing position, raising the bricks back overhead.  Sit Ups with Brick: Hold brick in each hand and extend arms straight out.  Do a sit-up.
  • Merkins and Overhead Press. Merkins with hands on bricks; single count.  Overhead Press = In cadence.


Shits and Gigs.

Petri Dish (courtesy of Petri from his VQ a few weeks ago): Lay flat on your stomach, Superman-style.  Extend arms straight forward.  Raise hands x 10.  Rotate arms out to side (i.e., 3 and 9 o’clock).  Raise hands x 10.  Rotate arms back so that hands are by your hips.  Raise your hands x 10.  Then ‘clap’ hands, moving hands from hips to out in front of your head x 10.




  • Dancing Chilcutts (just so I wouldn’t make Splashback a liar)
  • Boxcutters (more love for Splashback)
  • Gas Pumps (secretly hoped they’d work their namesake magic on Paper Jam and we’d get treated to an otherworldly toot to rival his from The Big House)



  • Angry Beaver Part Duh Ruck Event, 11/21. See Slack or message Rambler for details.
  • Boyardee will be experimenting with later (i.e., 0700 start) workouts on Thursdays. Message him for details.
  • Southern Village Run Club. Sunday mornings.  See #running channel or message Cousin Vinnie if interesting in participating.





Thankful as always for the opportunity and the support.  I had the pleasure of my mom and brother visiting us for a long weekend.  Be grateful for your blessings.  Make the most of familial moments.



  • Renamed ICE’s 2.0 from Scrum (his ‘kiddie’ name received at Sunnyside) to his young man name of Animal (he’s a drummer). Appears there may already be an Animal in Churham.  Will confer with the Masters of the Universe and see what’s up. Personally, I vote for a drum-off with winner taking the name.
  • Big thanks to the group of HIMs from Southern Village for making the trek to the mean, mean streets of BC.
  • T-claps to Rambler for naming, submitting, and getting the Nutcracker exercise published for perpetuity in the F3 Lexicon.
  • Huffy, as my M was gently reminding him to get ready for a school Zoom meeting: “Mom, but I’m so sore.” Insert maniacal Dad laugh here.
  • I saw some post-workout mumblechatter about brick dust in some of the guys’ hair.  I have no idea if I have any dust in my hair, as I can’t raise my hands to check.