Last night there was a Q call out which I answered. I admittedly did not have much details worked out by the time the bell rang. I overslept and had to get gas too, so I showed up 2 minutes late. The beat down waits for no pax, so the crew has already banged out some SSH by the time I arrived. The main goal was not to freeze the fingers. Last post in the 20’s the Q lead wheels of merkins and bear crawls. I didn’t want to be on the receiving end of the sort of mumble chatter that earned.
Warm up
One lap, good morning – they were warm enough by the time I arrived!
The Jam
Lucky 11’s on the front hill with sumo squats and squat jumps.
Mosey’d round to the wall…
- 10 IC Bulgarian spilt squats each leg
- 10 IC single leg step up each each leg
- 10 IC pulse squats
- 20 OYO toe touches
- 20 IC dips
- 10 IC alternation shoulder touch merkins
- 15 IC Bulgarian spilt squats each leg
- 15 IC single leg step up each leg
- 15 IC pulse squats
- 40 OYO toe touches
- 30 IC dips
- 10 IC alternation shoulder touch merkins
Lung walked parking spots with burpee ladder up to and down from 7. Adds up to 49. I had to write it out, couldn’t do that math in my head.
10 IC alternating shoulder touch merkins
Without rest IC 20 flutters, 20 Dolly, 20 box cutter, 20 box cutter, 20 reverse box cutters