- SSH ICx30
- Imperial Walkers ICx30
- Alternating Toe Touches ICx30
- Cotton Pickers ICx30
- Take a lap around the entire sport court facility, Ricky Bobby style
Mosey to Tennis Courts
- Partner Up (size doesn’t matter, but speed does)
- While one partner does line drill suicides to each end of the 3 tennis courts, the other partner does one of the following exercises before switching:
- Round 1: Merkins
- Round 2: WW2
- Round 3: Air Squats
- Plank Hold Race – I use the word “race” very loosely, as this didn’t go quite as planned
Mosey to Bench at Pavilion
- Dips x31
- Step Ups x31
- Dirkens x31
- Repeat
Mosey to Wall
- Balls to Wall or People’s Chair until each person runs around the wall and assumes their position again
Mosey to Pavilion for Mary
- Each PAX called out a core exercise for 10 count
Gambler coming up April 6th – Do it! It’s a blast.
Be thinking of the guys rucking this weekend – Heavy, Tough, Lite
It’s always an honor to lead the group. It’s also great to run into several of you throughout the day. If you see a brother who hasn’t posted in awhile, give them some encouragement to come back out. It’s a new month… make it a good one! Rabbit! Rabbit!