Was the Ladder Too Long, or the Time Too Short?

May 28, 2020

WHEN: 05/27/2020
QIC: Cricket
PAX: Zook, Homegrown Berry, Duplo, Splashback, Chum, Jingles, Paperjam, Catskill (Respect!), Bumpdraft, Kosher, Bright Idea, RG3

The night before a Q is always an interesting affair; Will anyone turn up? Will no-one turn up? Is it tough enough for the tough, but inclusive enough for the mere mortals? How do we hang out but remain socially distant during a pandemic? Questions like this were running through YHC’s mind when he discovered his spawn’s sidewalk chalk…….

Warm Up

In an effort to mess with PAX OCD and not at all to do with YHC’s lack ability to concentrate there was an inconsistent amount of reps during the warm up.

  • SSH: Some
  • Good Mornings: An amount
  • WMH: A few
  • Slow Squats: A few more
  • Little baby arm circles: ∞
  • Slow merkins: 10? Definitely 10

Main Event

A ladder had been marked out on the parking lot using sidewalk chalk that kept PAX appropriately distanced and indicated what to do at each section. An eclectic mix of inspirational music was put on a speaker and we commenced. We climbed the ladder from the bottom rung and reduced reps after each completion.

  1. Run around roundabout and return to step 10
  2. 120 / 80 / 40 Squats
  3. 105 / 70 / 35 LBCs
  4. 90 / 60 / 30 SSHs
  5. 75 / 50 / 25 Monkey Humpers
  6. 60 / 40 / 20 Merkins
  7. 45 / 30 / 15 WW2s
  8. 30 / 20 / 10 Dry Docks
  9. 20 / 10 / 5 Burpees
  10. Rest

Unfortunately YHC had it in his mind that ENDEX was 0630, so was surprised when Zook mentioned that we still had to fit Mary in before 0615…… A quick halt was called! (Brotox editor’s note here: Zook was at least the third PAX to tell Cricket we were running out of time after both RG3 and I had already mentioned it…but Cricket hears what he wants to hear!)


10 count ring of fire plank.


Catskill is organizing burpee challenge at The Battering Ram this Saturday morning with donations going to the Chatham Co. Habitat for Humanity. Ping him or visit The-Battering-Ram Slack channel to get involved.

Bright Idea has organized another push/pull/run/hang/burn challenge commencing soon, reach out to him for details.

GRUNGE!!!!!!!!!!! Won the recent Six Week Spring Challenge from a drawing of all PAX who successfully completed it, congratulations! There’s a man who deserves some prizes!


YHC has been seriously impressed with the maturity and dedication to which the F3 community has applied to the recent COVID-19 related lockdown. YHC definitely missed all of the PAX over the recent shut-in and it was seriously tempting to ignore the rules, but in following the guidelines we have been good stewards of our community and protected those who are more vulnerable. Thank you!