YHC signed up to Q and with little inspiration I just read a backlist and copied the exercises. Thanks Knope! YHC took us out with the encouragement that even YOU can Q if you thought that was a good exercise since all I did was copy someone else.
Warm up
- Up two levels on parking deck
- Good morning
- Port a John chinook
- Mosey down stairs to start of river walk.
The Thang
Rickey Bobby to river park with sandbag (running from back to front and dropped)
Deconstructing burpees
- Run Half of feild 20 squat
- Run to tree 20 groiners
- Run to to half way in filed 20 merkins
- Run to tree 20 squat then jumps
- Run to river walk
Rickey Bobby to farmers market pavillion
Run one lap around pavilion then exercise and repeat (complete together)
- Flutters
- Heels to heaven
- LBCs
- Hammers
Lunges walk length of pavilion towards board of elections
- Run to far side of parking lot 20 smurf jacks
- Return to start 40 Jonny dramas
- Run to far corner 20 monkey humpers
- Return to start
Run to far side of parking lot
- alt shoulder taps
- Start 20 hand release merkins
- Far side 20 mountain climbers
- Start plank jacks
Rickey Bobby back along river walk this time upon getting to the start pass sandbag down the line
- Plank hold 8 count ring of fire (3 pax called low plank)
- 6 inch leg hold 8 count ring of fire
- Superman hold 8 count ring of fire (YHC stretched it to one min total)
- Muzungu family friend’s kid is hospitalized
- Prayers for Milton and cedar
- The Wolf 2/29
- Home grown ruck event and Q School – Check Slack
- Toast took us out