Clean Sweep recently led Conjunction Junction with a beautifully simple workout. YHC immediately decided to steal the idea for a future Q.
PAX split into two teams. One team moves a bunch of heavy stuff; the other team does a bunch of reps.
Standard Warmup
Divide into two teams of four PAX.
Team 1: Move the coupons to the ATT (roughly 1/5th mile). Run back to the field house. Move more coupons to the ATT. Once all coupons are at the ATT, move all the coupons back to start.
Team 2: Work together to complete 300 Burpees, 500 Squats, and 500 LBCs.
Switch and repeat
- 80# sandbag
- 60# sandbag
- 60# sandbag
- 55# ruck
- 55 # 8x12x16 cinder block
- 55 # 8x12x16 cinder block
- 55 # 8x12x16 cinder block
- 45# plate
- 45# plate
- 35# plate
- 25# plate
- 25# plate
- 38# ammo crate
- 38# ammo crate
- 15# kettlebell
- 30# kettlebell
- 42# Jerry can
- 42# Jerry can
If you have not Q’d a workout or have not Q’d one recently, get it done! Or find a PAX to Co-Q. The summertime is a great time to lead, but the Q sheets sometimes thin out because of all the travel. Everyone enjoys seeing a new take on the F3 format, so show us what you’ve got!