Bait & Switch

February 25, 2019

WHEN: 02/25/2019
QIC: Chum
PAX: RG3, Marky Mark, Brotox, Cabaret, Duplo, GTL, Stubbs, Yanni, Bright Idea, Goat Cheese (Respect!), ICE, Closer, Boyardee, Zook, Petri, Cricket, Paper Jam, Nescafe, Fingers, Nitro (Respect!), Kibbles, Mothman (23 total)

The Rambler and Chum pulled a bait-and-switch Q, and as a result YHC felt the pressure to lead a workout that would make The Rambler proud. I also felt the pressure to not “leggo of my Eggo” as I was still dragging axles from a guys weekend where we tried to act like we did in our 20s.

Gave the 1-minute warning, which of course caused several more cars to pull into the parking lot.  On a related note, I will bet a paycheck that no one can park as fast and as NASCAR-esque as Nescafe.


  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Arm Circles, Forward & Reverse
  • Stretches

Main Event

The Escalating Escalator Pyramid Thingamajig Whatchacallit

  • Round 1: 5 Burpees.  Take a lap around the parking lot. 
  • Round 2: 10 Burpees. 10 (IC) Overhead Claps.  Take a lap.
  • Round 3: 15 Burpees. 15 (IC) Overhead Claps.  15 (SC) Merkins.  Take a lap.
  • Round 4: 20 Burpees. 20 (IC) Overhead Claps.  20 (SC) Merkins.  20 (IC) FK.  Take a lap.
  • Round 5: 25 Burpees. 25 (IC) Overhead Claps.  25 (SC) Merkins.  25 (IC) FK. 25 (SC) Squats.  Take a lap.

Now to get back down –

  • Round 6: 20 (SC) Squats. 20 (IC) FK. 20 (SC) Merkins. 20 (IC) Overhead Claps. Take a lap.
  • Round 7: 15 (SC) Squats. 15 (IC) FK. 15 (SC) Merkins. Take a lap.
  • Round 8: 10 (SC) Squats. 10 (IC) FK. Take a lap.
  • Round 9: 5 (SC) Squats.  Take a lap.


  • LBCs
  • Gas Pumps
  • Hello Dolly
  • Stretch


  • Site Q torch at The Wall has been passed from RG3 to Bright Idea and his vest.  Congrats!
  • Fingers & Zika are orchestrating the Inaugural 24-Hour Run for Malawi in Southern Village on April 5th-6th.  Runners sign up for one hour time blocks and do as many laps as possible around our scenic 1 mile course.  Each runner will get pledges on a per mile basis, with a goal of raising at least $100 per runner.  End Goal is to raise enough money to build a pediatric lab and radiology suite. 

Sign Up:

  • The Gambler II (CSAUP) on Saturday, 4/6/19, at Briar Chapel.  Visit #the_gambler_ii on Slack for deets.


Sorry for the Q bait-and-switch, but I am very thankful for everyone’s support today.  Go out and conquer your week.  Spring is almost here!


  • Today marked the first time I received some smack talk from Zook.  Not sure if I’m proud or ashamed.
  • I think the men agree that The Rambler owes some burpees.