Movement Matters at TR

February 21, 2019

WHEN: 02/21/2019
QIC: Cardiac
PAX: Weed-n-Feed, Cosmo, Bellhop, Kia, Elf, Cardiac

2 Pax got in some extra rucking miles before the main event.  The warm up started with a mild amount of chatter around the previous nights UNC/Duke game and some wild accusations as to where Floyd got his pink eye from.  The Pax was enjoying some nice SSH when Elf showed up late with some half baked story about a shoeless man in a t-shirt on the side of the road in 40 degree weather at 5am.  Although Kia did corroborate Elf’s story. 

29x SSH

10x Jump Squats

10x Willie Mayz Haze

5x burpee (because we wanted to welcome Elf)

1x Peanut lap

The thang:  Nautilus with 5 burpees in each corner, small goal box was bunny hop, large goal box was bear crawl and half field was running.  The next exercises were deemed “Movement Matters” taken from my daughters daycare.  There is a area where at her school for when it is raining all the kids can go to get their wiggle out, so with that in mind we stayed active for about 10 minutes within the large goal box doing all sorts of fun stuff.  Upon arrival to the park there was a kids paw patrol scooter just waiting for us, and I decided it would be a great addition to “Movement Matters.”  Each pax got a turn bending over and pushing the scooter back and forth in the large goal box.  Not sure what the order of exercises was but we did some lung walks, crawl bears, duck walks, side plank walks, grapevine, traveling burpees and SSH.

I found a new way to do Mary! Non-Stop! It was awesome!  Set a timer for 20 seconds and did different ab exercises for 10 mintues.  There was some discussion at this point as to the best way to describe our abs…single pack? Keg? Growler?

After Mary we still had a couple minutes so we did a little extra credit.  Cosmo will be filing a formal complaint to F3 headquarters for Cardiac not immediately following Mary by the COT. 

COT:  Prayers for Brick’s sister who is in the hospital.