7th Birthdays

April 14, 2019

WHEN: 04/10/2019
QIC: Cortés
PAX: Nubbin, Buffay, Muzungu, Milton, Limburger

YHC had the day off work to help celebrate twin 2.0s turning 7 (this is still hard to fathom); trying to get back on track for morning routines after a Monday fartsack (blamed on hosting 53 children for a carnival themed birthday party) meant YHC signing up to Q.

It had been an honor so far this year to serve as site Q for the skunk. The site has much to offer but today I wanted to stick to some basics.

Warm ups in the parking lot (pretty standard and none remembered at the belated writing of this BB)

6 PAX headed for the track.

The Main Event

In honor of the 7th birthdays happening at the Cortés household we did a Cooper starting at … 7 reps.

Run one lap complete reps of burpees,merkins and squats repeat decreasing reps by one. 7, 6, 5 … down to 1 and the early finishers picked up the six.

Now for adding in some fun, when glancing thru the exicon every once in a while something just sticks out and this morning was YHC’s chance to introduce the “Bojangles biscuit”: sprint the straight, mosey the turn wait for the six and repeat. (Just another excuse to breathe in some more pollen.

Time to circle up for Mary and all PAX got to call an exercise. (none remembered at this late date)

Sufficiently smoked and plenty of pollen inhaled it was mercifully 6:15 and time to get home to celebrate two 7 year olds.


Muzungu took us out with ongoing prayers for Milton’s M and cancer treatments, prayers for the nubbin family and the loss of their dog.


Looking back on Wednesday, it was a scary day for Durham but it is an honor to be part of a group that allows for so much connection not only in the gloom of the early morning but also during the explosion in downtown Durham. Slack lit up in efforts to connect those who were in the area with loved ones, ensure safe transport for children and provide a network of information. It is an honor to stand amongst other HIM trying to make a positive difference and serve/lead wherever they go. Until next time SYITG.