Last week YHC had to bail to take care of 2.0 at the start of the ME (and scheduled Q). YHC left the PAX with index cards and well wishes. The group came thru and had a successful group Q in my absence. This week I wanted to make it up to them. Alarm went off and out of bed for EC ruck hill repeats with Nickelback.
5:29 Rucks off and welcomed with “it’s about time” and it was time to get after it. Welcome back Limburger!
Warm Up
Fellowship lap around parking lot to warm up with appropriate pause to allow Buffay to pass thru and park.
SSH (IC)x11
Mtn climbers (IC)x11
Good mornings (IC)x11
Main Event – 7 of Diamonds
Using the parking lot corners as each exercise stop (4 total for each round)
Round 1 – Burpees 7 reps
Round 2 – Groiners 14 reps
Round 3 – Merkins 21 reps
Round 4 – Squats 28 reps
Round 5 – Plank Jacks 21 reps
Round 6 – Overhead Press 14 reps
Round 7 – Dry docks 7 reps
Stops 1,3 on YHC count, stops 2,4 oyo
Bat Wings (each exercise IC 20 each no rest between)
Arm circles forward
Arm circles backward
Seal claps
Overhead claps
7 reps Absolution
plank-groiner-chilcut-chillyjack-plank “1”
Continued prayers for Milton and his M
Prayers for Buffay and family great aunt passed at age 101
Welcome back Limburger
Muzungu took us out