February 26, 2019

WHEN: 02/27/2019
QIC: Soybean
PAX: Assisi, Big Kat, Dean Wormer, Elf, Graceland, Kitten, TB, Red October, Poser, Soybean

The number 5. The letter S. At first glance, they seem harmless. But what if you painted them on a massive canvas…such as a soccer field? And what if you made them visible from ‘space’…you know, as if seen by a satellite? Outlandish as it seems, that was (kind of) the project at the Vortex this AM.
Seriously, bringing it back down to earth, the reality is that a few of you mentioned Strava a few weeks ago. YHC downloaded the app and enjoyed seeing all of your workout activity. One aspect of this athletic voyeurism which has fascinated me has been the outlines of routes – red lines that mark the paths you’ve trod, whether it’s running, rucking (like 5 PAX did as EC this AM) or even hiking with your family. It gets one thinking: what if someone got a bit creative and traced a word or image on the map? That might be…entertaining. So we started simple: with a 5 (or is that an “S”?!).

Mosey to the fields forming a 5, ending up in the back left corner.
SSH x 5 IC
Seal Jacks x 5 IC
Smurf Jacks x 5 IC
Slow Squats x 5 IC
Slow Merkins x 5 IC

Trace a 5 five times on the soccer fields at Cedar Falls Park:
1st 5: Sprint the Straights, Singlet Merkin (Makhtar N’Diayes, then merkin) x 5 each corner, SSH wait
2nd 5: Shuffle, San Antonio Shuffle x 5 (L Leg Lunge, R Leg Lunge, Burpee, Plank Jack), Squat wait
3rd 5: Skip, Sphinx Merkin (low plank hold, palms on ground, using only triceps to push) x 5 each corner, SSH wait
4th 5: Smurf Jack, Sweat Angels x 5 IC each corner, Squat wait
5th 5: Sprint, Superman Merkin x 5 each corner, SSH wait

Ring of Fivers:
Star Hold x 5 count per PAX
Sweat Angels x 5 IC x 5 PAX
Sphinx Hold x 5 count per PAX (alternating up and down)
Superman Hold x 5 count per PAX
Supine (Hello Dolly spread, sit ups in between legs) x 5 count per PAX

There’s one more chair available to run / push during the Tarheel 10-Miler. See Red October if interested.

Lifting up TB’s brother who checked himself into Rehab
Special thoughts for Food Lion, who fell off his unicycle (YHC cant believe he just put those words in writing).
Graceland led us in prayer with a reminder to look for people that need an encouraging word or helping hand…and to see others as God sees them.