51 was fun

September 21, 2021

WHEN: 09/21/2021
QIC: Catskill
PAX: Chum, Homegrown Berry, Huckleberry, Quicken, Nighthawk, Splashback and Bump Draft

8 pax gathered to help me get the last day of my 51st year of to a strong start!

Warm up:



5 Inch Worm with Merkin


Main Event:

Mosey to playground swings and partner up

P1-Amrap Monkey Humpers

P2-Swerkin pyramid 1-10-1

Switchback after each series of reps are completed. P2 is timer


20 Bonnie Blair’s

20 Squats

20 Alternating leg step up

20 Jump Squats

Consecutively, no rest


P1-Hang from pull up bar

P2-Burpee pyramid 1-10-1

Switchback after each series of reps are completed. P2 is timer

Above was modified for time. We started at the top of the pyramid and pax worked down until each partner completed 6 Burpees. Moseyed back to AO for Mary.


Asheville Abs

Merkin Ring of Fire