.38 Special

January 25, 2019

WHEN: 01/25/2019
QIC: Paperboy
PAX: Closer, Chum, Dueling Banjos, Bright Idea, Wreckless, Stubbs, Duplo, Cricket, Griswold

YHC woke on this most inauspicious of days ready to lead his first bootcamp style AO, several #basecamp Q’s and a run with the rabbits are well and good but when you’re in the circle and everyone is waiting on you to take charge well things are a little different. It’s important to remember; Just hold on loosely, but don’t let go. If you cling too tightly, you’re gonna lose control.

SSH x 38 IC
Burpee x 10 OYO
Good Mornings x 10 IC
Burpee x 10 OYO
LBAC  x 10 IC
Burpee x 10 OYO
Burpee x 8 OYO

YHC had prepped a small amount and mapped out a nice little route with just enough turns to make a solid Merkin Mile, so the PAX set out in search of adventure. At each intersection that allowed a left turn the PAX performed 20 merkins, the Q was reminded that he might have said 10 when describing the plan but insisted that 20 was the correct number since it added up to 100 by the end.

Upon arriving back at the AO the PAX were instructed to partner up and told that size would matter. In reality size didn’t matter at all it was just a way to provide some mental stress for those who aren’t as fond of the buddy carrying arts. Once paired up the PAX moved to the tennis courts for some suicides, partner 1 would run suicides on the 3 courts while partner 2 performed a set exercise. Upon completion of the suicide partners would switch until the stated number of exercise reps were completed as a team.

Round 1 – Carolina Dry Dock x 100
Round 2 – SSH x 200
Round 3 – WWII x 100

Next the PAX moved to Wall for which this AO is named and took a seat in the peoples chair. Each PAX member provided a 10 count down and back the line for a total of 200. With some various arm motions thrown in…Chum proscribed some lewd gestures that surely were meant in a positive manner. PAX then moved to a plank position with feet at 45 on the wall and repeated the count, amazingly the counting seemed to increase speed rapidly as it moved down the line. A final all out sprint sideline to sideline on the basketball court wrapped things up.

In honor of the Q’s wife, also a Mary, and due to some time constraints brought on by an over ambitions plan we dispensed with Mary. However 38 birthday merkins to honor the Q were demanded.

Chatham 2nd F event at the Briar Chapel Town Hall Burger location on Monday, Feb 4, 7:30pm at Town Hall.

Something positive and heartwarming was said or it wasn’t…