241 Club

June 30, 2017

WHEN: 06/30/2017
QIC: Shake It
PAX: Shake It, Sweater Vest, Cooter, Peach, Doogie, Sweats, Assisi, Bushwood, Amphibious, Troller, Prancing Horse, Sweet Heart (FNG), Kia, Tugboat, Legacy, Pedialyte, 2-Ply, Sawyer, Misery, Ricky Bobby, Foot Fault

241 years ago the 2nd Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring the 13 Colonies” independence from England. The United States of America was founded on the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Things that should be shared by everyone that calls America home. Despite being the land of freedom and opportunity, the Emancipation Proclamation wasn”t issued until 1863, 19th amendment in 1920, Brown v Board in 1954, and the list goes on. Many disenfranchised groups are still fighting for civil liberties and justice. America has come along way in 241 years, but one simply needs to put the news on for a few minutes to know we still have a ways to go.
This is why YHC has been proud to be associated with F3. In the 8 months since YHC started, he has seen toy drives for the children”s hospital, volunteers at Ronald McDonald House and Habitat for Humanity, involvement with SOS, food drive for Table (thanks SV PAX), people shaving their head for St. Baldrick”s, and the list goes on. Guys, continue to be leaders in our community and make this country the land of opportunity for all.
EC: 5 PAX endured the Cooter/Peach Spartan manmaker beatdown consisting of I-beam pull-ups, burpees, squats, and farmer carries with buckets or KBs.
Finally 0530 rolled around and a PAX of 21 assembled in the Jordan parking lot for a salute to America. Thank you to Sweats for bringing the shovel flag.

  • SSH x20
  • Good morning x10
  • LBAC x10 forward and reverse
  • Prison Squats x20 IC
  • Merkins x10 IC

The Thang:
This exercise is called the Charles Bronson; however, YHC is a millennial and has no idea who that person is or what he ever accomplished. So YHC considered calling this the John McClane, because what”s more American than Die Hard, but settled on the hero Paul Revere. In honor of America”s 241st birthday, 241 reps total.

  • 40 single count merkins, sprint to the first speed bump, bear crawl to the second speed bump,, and sprint back.
  • 40 jump squats, sprint, bear crawl, sprint
  • 40 shoulder taps (l/r = 1) rinse and repeat
  • 40 alternating lunges IC (lots of mumbling for single count going on during these), rinse and repeat
  • 40 LBC”s IC, rinse and repeat
  • 41 SSH IC, rinse and repeat

Best moment during the Paul Revere was watching Bushwood bolt out of the gate in an attempt to get to the bear crawl ahead of Sweats. This reminded the PAX of the beat the Freez (see video above) promotion that the Atlanta Braves have been doing featuring a former college track star. As Sweats closed in on his prey, Bushwood cut through the traffic circle in an attempted short cut. The short cut was not short enough as Sweats overtook Bushwood prior to the start of bear crawl. Note: YHC also attempted to keep up with Sweats and Assisi during the last sprint with limited success as well. Next time Sweats runs with a 20 lb vest on to give everyone else a chance.
Mosey to the covered walkway. The PAX proved they could do 241 reps, but could their muscles endure 241 seconds (approximately 4 minutes) of pure agony. YHC lead them in 2 different challenges: People”s Chair and BTTW. Now YHC understands that 241 seconds is a long time to hold an exercise, so PAX could take 5 penalty burpees every time they tired out and then resume. PAX were very comfortable during the People”s Chair. Lot of conversations about the July 4th holiday, etc. PH may have been the only burpees I saw (sorry for the callout, love your inspirational quotes). The chatter quickly stopped after the balls were placed against the wall. Never have burpees been so relieving to do just to give the shoulders a break. 4 minutes couldn”t come fast enough.
Only time for 20 American Hammers in cadence.

  • Master Q starts tomorrow. Six month challenge to Q every Churham AO.
  • Keep an eye out for the discount code for Fayetteville Spartan Sprint supporting the SOS.