11/22/2022 The Jag – From Darkness Into Light

November 22, 2022

WHEN: 11/22/2022
QIC: Atta-Boy
PAX: Atta-Boy, Brotox, Bump Draft, Buzzbait, Catskill, CropTop, Green Acres, Homegrown Berry, Huckleberry, Montecristo, Nacho Libre, Paper Jam, Quicken, Rebar, Shark Tank, Sohcahtoa, Spam, Zook

Mystery VQ Month at The Jag brought about this PAX's rite of passage into the realm of the Q. Eleven months as a follower, so it was definitely time for him to take the challenge of leading the men of The Jag. Today is also this PAX's Aretha Franklin (R-E-S-P-E-C-T) birthday and as much as this day has historically been his least favorite day of the year, the support of the PAX in attendance made "…for most this amazing day".

We started with a longish Warm-a-rama consisting of:
Good Mornings, 8-count in cadence, holding on the 5-6, extending up and back on the 7-8
Bushwackers, 4-count in cadence
Seal Claps, 4-count in cadence
Overhead Claps, 4-count in cadence
Mountain Climbers, 4-count in cadence
Imperial Walkers, 4-count in cadence
Hillbillies, 4-count in cadence
Mountain Climbers, 4-count in cadence
Inch Worm with Peter Parker Pushup, was supposed to be a 12-count move, but the Q ended up calling out moves instead of counting. PAX were encouraged to think about reaching their palms to the ground, as they stretched toward their toes on the 1-2. Q will work to improve this move!

Main Event

1) To escape the infamous pavement, the PAX performed an epic, single-file Rickie-Bobbie, Catskill Style (the sprint begins with a burpee), through the bus circle, around to the left of the school, and toward the back of the school, through the far parking lot. They convened by the play ground gate, where in the street-lamp light the Q demonstrated the Absolution, the proper sequence of the Body Builder, and the improper, Atta-Boy-D-Builder variation, which places the plank-jack before the merkin.

2) PAX then sought the dim refuge of the playground and its soft, cold mulch (sorry Green Acres, but who wears shorts and a tee shirt in the 30 degree gloom?). Here the PAX performed 3 sets of a 40-20 (work-rest) tabata consisting of: Absolution, Body-Builders, Lunge Variations (forward, reverse, Apollo Anton Onos) Jump Squats, and Ab Variations (flutters, lbcs, draw bridges). PAX enjoyed 1-min of active rest between sets with a side-lying leg hold (set 1, right leg. set 2, left leg), and finished it off with a 1-min Homer-Holds-It-To-Marge. During the final min of rest, the Q made the unspoken observation of how beautiful the stars are above The Jag. Thus, he encouraged the PAX to take the opportunity to think deep thoughts, especially of the good things in their lives that maybe they don't deserve, or of the gifts they have received, but never had to work for.

3) PAX mosey'd to another dark corner of The Jag, where they found a basketball court, tall swing set, some very heavy (Catskill) blocks, and a Gorilla Bow.

4) PAX partnered up. One PAX held a low squat, while the other bear-crawled his away across the court to the swing set or the blocks/bow. The bear-crawling PAX then performed 5 reps of his choice of pullups, hanging knee raises, Australian merkins, heavy block one-armed rows, or Gorilla Bow "deadlifts". He sprinted his way back to the partner, and swapped roles. A 2nd set was performed with plank-shoulder taps, and crab walks instead of low squat hold and bear crawls.

5) PAX did a very slow mosey back to the AO, taking turns carrying the heavy blocks overhead, and performing chest-presses with the Gorilla Bow. The Q reminded them that the greatest way to help another is to recognize when he needs the help and simply say, "let me help you", rather than waiting to be asked for help. We can be of greater service to our families and our communities when we recognize the needs of others before they are willing to admit they need the help.

6) After putting away the blocks, the PAX had time for 2 rounds of an explosive merkin ring of fire. The soundtrack to our final round of exercise was provided by Green Acres, complimenting our form.

7) Following the Name-a-rama, where the Q struggled to articulate his new age, The COT message was one of thanks to God and to the PAX for the strength and courage to lead each other through the season of darkness and into the season of light.

Announcements included the holiday fundraiser for CORA, which yielded a $600 contribution from generous PAX, and a reminder of the Paradise, Hogan's Heroes Thanksgiving Convergence at 6AM, at Hogan's Heroes.