Last night was one of those nights where YHC woke up every hour and looked at the clock, while having dreams of sleeping through the Q, or forgetting friends names in the COT, or forgetting the workout. One would think that after almost a year of Q’ing, these rookie fears would subside, but alas, no. Could be that YHC called out a bunch of Rabbits to come run on Thursday and then fartsacked the couch. Surely legitimate fears.
As it would turn out, while on our commute-to-the-AO run, Cricket related having similar trouble trouble sleeping. Perhaps it’s just trying to get back into this once familiar routine.
YHC wanted some extra effort in today’s workout to be inspired by our military men and women who have payed the ultimate sacrifice for our way of life. So there was some mention of using this as inspiration when pushing through the harder parts of the workout. It was unclear whether this workout would be tough, but all were encouraged to break up the upcoming “sets” of 100 any way they’d like, modify as needed, etc.
Warm up
- SSH x 29 IC
- Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
- Harvesters x 10 IC
- Baby Arm Circles x 20 IC (small, reverse, big, reverse)
- Squats x 10 IC
- Slow Merkins x 10 IC
Main Event
Mosey to the main road and up to the intersection at the top of the hill.
- Perform 100 derkins OYO and Usain Bolt back down to just above the AO.
- Perform 100 (or 50 IC) SSH OYO and Usain Bolt back up to the top.
- Perform 100 squats OYO and Usain Bolt back to the start.
- Perform 100 curb dips OYO and Usain Bolt back to the top.
- Perform 100 flutter kicks (Single leg count – 1/2 = 1) OYO and Usain Bolt back to start.
For each round – whoever finished first was awarded 10 burpees before starting the next round.
Early finishers of each 100/run combo held plank and performed mumblechat
Mosey back to the AO
Relay races – 3 teams – one team Bear Crawl, one Crab Walk, one Crawl Bear – rotate until each team has done each.
- LBCs x 30 IC
- Flutter kicks x 30 IC
- ‘Bows and Toes (11 eight-counts)
- There has been a lot of talk of changes to AOs especially here in Chatham. If you have strong feelings about a particular site, join in the discussion as these changes are debated.
- The Solstice Saunter 5 mile race will be held at #TheRabbit on June 23rd
- An installation for a speed bag hook has been proposed adjacent to our pull-up bars. If you have an opinion one way or the other about this, reach out to Boyardee.
Name-o-Rama (note: in error (rather than intentionally against F3 tradition), this was performed after the following COT(not BOM) thoughts were shared)
Not the usual BOM
Today is Memorial Day. PAX were encouraged to remember what this day is all about, and honor those who have fallen so that we might have the freedoms we enjoy. For me, the loss of loved ones to war has shaped my family, but for me it is indirect and remote. From many others it is much more direct and acute.
My Grandmother lost a brother and a husband in WWII. This whole corona virus pandemic shows how our lives can be so quickly changed and how little of it is in our control. In a terrifying way, it makes it somewhat easier to imagine something like WWII happening again. Her brother Danny was a recent Colgate University grad and a star football player for that school. He was shot down over Algeria. Here’s a letter he wrote back to his school a week or two before: