10/13/2023 The Wall – Camp Crystal Lake – Friday the 13th

October 14, 2023

WHEN: 10/13/2023
QIC: Spooky
PAX: nitro, nighthawk, Spartan, vice, magic beans, imposter, smile box, Turnpike, Sackboy, DOI, Rudy, cauliflower, Dunphy, toes, golden boy, homegrown berry, siesta, Stevie Ray, shark tank, chum, Beaujolais, Montecristo, gargle, hot wings, mix, hazard, splash back, Kevin, Clint , Botox, paper jam, Zika, Mile high, Niblet, Häagen-Dazs, Bump Draft, Spooky

It was cool and foggy on a perfect night in October. Best of all, it was Friday the 13th in October!

Bastille converged with The Wall at the AO renamed Camp Crystal Lake.

Upon arrival, Vice (the assistant camp councilor) got PAX started with SSH, Imperial Walkers, and Squats. Jason appeared and examined the PAX for any faint-hearted before sequestering everyone to the Camp Shelter.

Tables were “decorated” (desecrated) with various body parts of campers that didn’t make it through the previous night. An agenda was posted on an official Camp Crystal Lake Schedule of Activities:

1. Team AMSAP (As Many Stabs As Possible)
2. Relay Death Run
3. Survival Float Across the Lake
4. Curflew

The Thang:
A. Mosey to the bottom of the hill. Bear Crawl up with five Dead Docks (dry docks) at each light. Teams were then arranged with numbers 1-6 assigned to the pax in the order which they surfaced at the top of the hill.

B. Mosey to the Shelter. AMRAP with five stations for each team. 1. Skull Crushers with Block, 2. Carcass Thrusters (with dead bodies), 3. Slide Slashes (hammers with “butchers knife”), 4. Merciless Merkins, 5. Squats, then the “timer” for each group was a The Ring crawl (upright.bear crawl) to the flickering lights then run back. Switch stations and repeat.

C. Assemble in parking lot with your team. Relay race (one pax running, others do squats). Run around the circle picking up a bone on the other side. Don’t get caught by Jason or it’s one burpee – slowing down your team. Winning group chooses 13 of an exercise for the losers.

D. Mosey back across the field and down the hill. Time to Survival Float across Crystal Lake. First, clump the hill with a bear crawl, Dead Docks at each light. Then WWI backward across the “Lake” (field) plus 4-count crab walk after each reverse-facing WWII.

Early finishers did Boat-canoe until all pax made it across.

E. Curfew was called! Mosey to parking lot for Mary and Catch-a-camper-by-the-toe. One pax calls out a Mary exercise while Jason determines which pax will do dead-man burpees.

COT and reflection. Remember to look for commonality with your neighbors rather than differences, even if your neighbor is a “Jason Voorhees“.