09/28/2022 The King’s Dominion – All for 14 and 14 for all

September 28, 2022

WHEN: 09/28/2022
QIC: Red Tape
PAX: Beebe, Bronze Squrl, Castaway, Cherry Baked, Crash Cart, Kia, Knope, Pallino, Pickpocket, Scribble, Swamp, Thirstay, Young Man

The weather is now at the point where you may want a sweatshirt while you wait for 5:30, but you definitely don’t want one after 5:30.


Side Shuffle Hop (x20)
Michael Phelps (x10)
Imperial Walker (x10)
Little Baby Arm Circles (x12)
In reverse (x12)
Hillbilly (x10)
Slow Merkin (x10)
Rockette Hillbilly (x10)
Slow squat (x10)
Penalty 8-count man makers (x5)


We moseyed over behind the church where there were 14 stations set up for the 14 PAX. At YHC’s last Q, we had 11 PAX for a couple sets of 11s. YHC plans to keep getting exactly the right amount of PAX to match the Main Event for every workout going forward. Hopefully, we never have to send anyone home to get the numbers lower.

The PAX spread out across the 14 stations based on their number when counting off. Each station had a placemat with an exercise and a number of reps. After doing the reps at that station, they moved (walked or moseyed) to the next station. The goal was to go through 2 full cycles and then partner up with another PAX until they finished their second cycle. We all got pretty close to 2 cycles before it was time to head back to Mary. The stations were

Station 1: People’s Chair (60 count)
Station 2: 8-count man makers (x10)
Station 3: Lunges (x15 per leg)
Station 4: Merkins (x25)
Station 5: Squats (x40)
Station 6: Shoulder taps (x20 per shoulder)
Station 7: Box jump up metal staircase, mosey down, then mosey to Station 8
Station 8: Plank hold (60 count), then crab walk to Station 9
Station 9: Crab walk to Station 10
Station 10: Ukrainian Hammer (x20 cadence), then bear crawl to Station 11
Station 11: Bear crawl to Station 12
Station 13: Plank with left arm high (30 count), then plank with right arm high (30 count)
Station 14: Floyd plank (10 count per leg), then high knees mosey to Station 1
Castaway pointed out afterwards that the high knees mosey towards the People’s Chair was essentially a reenactment of the airport episode of Seinfeld.


Flutter kick (x25)
Heels to Heaven (x15)
LBCs (x16)
Homer-to-Marge (x10 in slow cadence)
Brief pause because Cherry Baked made YHC start laughing during the Homer-to-Marge
Superman Ring of Fire (5 count per PAX)
One of the PAX decided to skip over our Nan’tan while counting the ring of fire, so either our Nan’tan was wearing an invisibility cloak, or it was some sort of abstract commentary on the nature of leadership. Whichever it was, we went back, and everyone got to count.


YHC had promised in the preblast that today would be the best day of our lives. This was met with a lot of skepticism, given that the day was starting in a parking lot at 5:30 on a Wednesday. But every day is what we make it, and YHC was grateful for the chance to spend the morning with this group.