09/21/2022 The King’s Dominion – SPEED – Keepin the PAX above 50mph

September 21, 2022

WHEN: 09/21/2022
QIC: Swamp
PAX: Castaway, Bronze Squrl, Redtape, Beebe, Awesome Baby, Bellhop, Fixit, Thirstay

YHC’s plan today was inspired by the 1994 movie SPEED. The movie’s premise is villain, Dennis Hopper, has planted a bomb on a LA City Bus. When the bus gets above 50 mph the bomb is armed, if it goes below 50mph it detonates. Luckily the heroes of the movie Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock save the day. Similarly, this morning all PAX grinded hard, kept our bus rolling and came out stronger!

15 IW
10 Seated chinooks
10 Slow merkins
10 Plankjacks

4 bus stops, 2 PAX at each stop. YHC went solo. Each stop had two complementary exercises with reps that were multiples of 50. All groups perform exercises at the same time. When group 1 finished their reps they ran to group two. Group two then ran to group three, and so on and so forth until each group completed every station. MOT between stops varied between run and bear crawl.

Stop 1 – 25 shoulder taps, 25 air squats
Stop 2 – 25 WW2s, 25 Merkins
Stop 3 – 25 OH Press, 25 lunges (with plates)
Stop 4 – 25 Curls, 25 Bi’s

Wash, rinse, repeat for 3 rounds

Part 2
Bulgarian getups on wall x 20
Inverted Rows on rails x 20
Double hand release merkins x 15


Announced need for TBL signup
Announced need to follow through w BB’s
Announced Quarterly report and the Bull
Beebe thanked the PAX for all the support as he continues to improve physical health.

YHC talked about next week being Rosh Hashana followed by Yom Kippur. It’s a time of inward reflection as well as outward reflection. Meaning, in addition to cogitating, I also plan to speak to others to get feedback.

Overall it was great morning leading the PAX and catching up at coffeeteria.