09/05/2022 Morning Wood – Not Breaking But Entering

September 5, 2022

WHEN: 09/05/2022
QIC: Quint
PAX: M: FIA Double Paradiddle Coffeteria Czar: Montecristo 2.0s: FNK “Swirl”, No Sweat, CareBear PAX: Golden Boy and Skid-Doodle, Chips, Guesstimator, Duplo, Ahoy, SonicCraut, Spartan, Quint

YHC didn’t know what to do with a 0700 start at Morning Wood. My typical Q-anxiety gets me pumped and I sleep like crap. Good thing we were starting late today – not. Regardless, it was a beautiful morning and a pleasure to co-Q today’s festivities. Props to Spartan and Chips for their leadership.

Following a standard WARMARAMA; SSH, WMH, Plank Hold, Mountain Climbers, Slow Merkins,Hillbilly Jacks and Arm-Circles – Spartan led us out of the AO with his Die (singular dice) of Death. We moseyed off the school campus to the Mosaic venue, stopping periodically to take our lashings from the die.

Mosaic Plug… I’d recommend checking out the Friday evening events at Mosaic – with movies and bands alternating weekly. It is a great family venue, clean, comfortable and with food/beverage vendors. Bring a chair, blanket and kids.


(See attached pic)

From the Start Line, PAX
Army Crawls to first side walk
5 Peter Parker Burpees
Bear Crawl to second cross walk
10 Diamond Merkins
Traveling Burpees to End side walk
25 Squats
Lunge Walk back to second cross walk
10 Wide Grip Merkins
Lunge walk to first side walk
(5) 8 count Burpees
Lunge Walk to Start

PAX took a recovery walk to the Stage for a truncated DORA. But… before that… SonicCraut’s 2.0 FNK “Swirl” said he wanted to do Johnny Dramas – mind you ‘Swirl’ is 7 and when asked what he knew about Johnny Dramas; replied I’ve seen my dad do these. Well done, SC! We did 25 Johnny Dramas led by FNK Swirl.

DORA is a partner up exercise where 1 PAX performs a single count exercise whilst the other PAX runs a defined distance and returns. Once the 2nd PAX returns, PAX flapjack and the 1st PAX runs accordingly. PAX combine their counts until the target is reached.
200 – LBCs

Due to time, we cut short the DORA to return to the AO for Mary and coffee.

Spartan led us back to the AO with several die rolls along the way.

Chips led Mary today to close us out.

COT – Have a great Labor Day everyone, take advantage of this free day to make a difference is someone’s life. AYE!