03/02/2023 Paradise – My Plan Got Rained Out

March 4, 2023

WHEN: 03/02/2023
QIC: Atta-Boy
PAX: Spooky, Niblet, Catskill, Golden Boy, Atta-Boy


*Slow Squat
*Seal Jacks
*Slow Merkin
*Chilly Jacks
*Trivia Question:
PAX stretched out what they needed to and attempted to provide the names of King Henry VIII’s six wives. A correctly provided name saved the PAX from five Absolutions. Facing the full penalty of 30 Absolutions, the name Anne, maybe more than one Anne, was tentatively provided, but no additional names were spoken. YHC begrudgingly credited the PAX a 5 Absolution deduction, while “Divorced. Beheaded. Died. Divorced. Beheaded. Survived.”, saved the PAX an additional 10. Thus, a total of 15 Absolutions were performed in tempo to recall Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, & Catherine Parr.

Main Event

PAX performed a series of AMRAP exercises while each taking turns as the traveling time-keeper.

Round 1.
Travel- Long Farmers’ Block Carry.
Exercises- Australian Merkin with Vicegrip hold. Merkins. Squats. LBCs. Balls to the Wall with optional shoulder taps.

Round 2.
Travel- Lunge Walk. 4 Spooky Squat Thrusters at every 3rd pillar.
Exercises- Australian Merkin with Vicegrip hold. Merkins. Squats. LBCs. An unnamed exercise where each PAX held and Australian Merkin position with Vicegrip hold and slowly walked their hands back and forth along the bar as far as possible.

Group Travel.
After a few 10-counts, PAX Bear-Crawled together the full length of the overhang, stopping at every 3rd pillar to perform 3 Harvesters IC. They turned around Forward Crab-Walked, stopping at every 3rd pillar to perform 5 Crab Cakes on each leg.

Heavy Block Mary.
The Paradise Cinderblocks were pretty swole from the rain, giving the PAX just a bit more challenge as they executed 3 sets each of 10 Block Swings (OYO), 15 Homer to Marges (IT), and 15 4-count Flutterkicks with Block Overhead. A round of 20-count High and Side Planks took us to 6:15.

Prayer Requests
Kept in the silence of our hearts.

March 25 is the Habitat for Humanity Work Day. Pay attention to the channel for more details.

How do you make God laugh…say the words, “I have a plan”. YHC came into this Q with a plan for a big group of PAX with a lot of freedom to travel. The heavy downpour forced significant adjustments, which is not easy for YHC. Thanks to the patience of the PAX, we were able to still create and enjoy a challenging workout. Most importantly, we were able to support each other as we did it. We can achieve greater harmony in our lives if we learn patience and how to keep an open mind.

Coffeeteria followed on site. The coffee was hot and delicious. The mumblechatter was stimulating and became more so as the coffee kicked it. We closed by carrying the swole blocks once more and neatly stacking them in their hiding place.