03/01/2023 House of Pain – Respect the A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.

March 1, 2023

WHEN: 03/01/2023
QIC: Soybean
PAX: Banana Slug, Botched, Cousin Vinny, Crab Cake, Firefly, Grandpa Ninja, Knope, Llama Llama, Sea Biscuit

YHC had Q prior week, but needed a swap and inadvertantly ended up kicking off Respect Month at HoP though 2.5 years from that milestone. Feeling an obligation to honor the number 50, Q had no plan but knowing we'd do fifty reps on a bunch of exercises. Then clever Crab Cake chimes in on Slack wall: "Hey, Soybean, got an acronym for the PAX?" Light bulb clicks on and a workout materializes quickly: A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. I didn't say the light was bright…just on. 😉

Good Mornings x 10 IC
Windmills x 10 IC
Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC
Mountain Climbers x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Slow Merkins x 10 IC
Michael Phelps x 10 IC
Side Shuffle Hop x 50 IC as foreshadow

Mosey to Grab Steel

Ax Chops (Upper right to lower left x 5 and flip sides x 5), run 50 yds, 10 more, run, etc. to 50 reps
Curls x 10, run 50, etc. to 50
Rows (Bent Over) same as above
Overhead Press same as above
Nipple Scraper (aka Upright Rows) as above
Y Ups more of same
Low plank hold when done
MAX – The original plan here was to do all 50 Ax Chops (25 each side) then run 50 yds, Curls x 50 and run, Rows x 50 and run, Overhead x 50 and run, Nipple Scrapers x 50 and run, Y Ups x 50 and run…but we ran out of time, so just ran through ACRONY x 10 each

Grandpa Ninja as the lone 50+ PAX among us got rights to name the ab exercise…and he chose:
Flutter Kicks x 50 IC

Sign up for CPR training, details across channels
Prayers for the train collision in Greece

May we all have the grace and strength to love well and serve those around us with our entire body mind and spirit…and extend respect to all.