02/28/2022 The Rock – F3 Mental Battle WOD

February 28, 2022

WHEN: 02/28/2022
QIC: RoyGBiv
PAX: Denali, Milton, Nickelback

With March being "Mental Battle Month", YHC wanted to introduce the Mental Battle WOD.

0530 rolled around and YHC was doing SSH solo by the shovel flag. 2 PAX Tokyo-drifted in at 0532 for the ME.

SSH IC x28
Mosey to the park
Slow Merks x10
Squats IC x10
Plank Hold while YHC explained The THANG

The THANG (Mental Battle WOD):
Each set will have stats about mental health and workplace mental health. The workout will be in the form of a Dora 123. As you are working with a partner (No OYO), each stat is doubled. After all three sets are complete, if you have time repeat sets until time is up.

Round 1

50,000,000 adult Americans experienced mental illness in 2019.
56% of employees spend time looking for another job.
27,000,000 Americans with mental illness are unable to receive treatment.

100 Lunges / Lunge-Curls
112 Merkins / Chest presses
54 Squats / Goblet squats
*2 PAX thought we saw an F3 straggler but we weren't sure. He turned away from the park before we could get close. #chupacabra

Round 2

60% of employees do not feel their management helps them to deal with stress.
33% of employees can’t afford their healthcare costs.
80% of employees reported feeling emotionally drained by their work.

120 Calf Raises / Calf Raises with kettle bell
66 Lunges / Lunge Passthroughs
160 Moroccan Night Clubs / Tricep Extension

65% of employees find it hard to concentrate at work due the environment at work.
Over 60% of youth with mental illness do not receive treatment.
Over 60% of employees feel they don’t get paid enough to save for an emergency fund.

130 LBCs
120 Box Cutters
120 Flutters

PAX mosey'd back to the flag where they found Nickelback with his ruck plate and Perfect Push-ups.

Mary: Included in WOD

Yoga to recover

PAX called out their "One Word" for the week (Thanks, Elwood, for the idea).
Forgiveness – Patience – Grace – Adoption. (What a list!)

Prayers for Denali's family friends, Milton returning to working in-person.

Til next time. Thanks, men!