Usain Bear

June 14, 2019

WHEN: 06/14/2019
QIC: Dueling Banjos
PAX: Turf Builder, Vespa, Rambler, Stubbs, Zook, Placebo, Brotox, Gomer, Mumbles

For the third Q of the week, YHC was greeted by 57 degrees and a slight chill in the air. Another beautiful morning in the Briar Chapel neighborhood. What more could you ask for in June? The PAX slowly gathered at a few minutes until time. With very little chatter, YHC called “circle up” as the Steve watch dictated and the workout started. Several PAX pulled in late with rucks and Vespa on his motorized bicycle. 

Warm up:

Good Mornings IC x 10

WMH IC x 10

Slow Merkin IC x 10

Bolt 45 (Colt 45 but with squats)

Ricky Bobby to Great Meadow Park Pavillion

Thang 1: Dips and Derkins

Derkins x 20

Dips x 20

repeat x 3

Thang 2: Ping Pong Pull Ups

Group 1: Ping Pong Pull Ups x 10

Group 2: Box Jumps or Step Ups AMRAP

Switch x 3

Thang 3: Usain Bear

Line up on one side of the park field.

1 PAX bear crawl out, crawl bear back  while other PAX perform prescribed exercise. Next in line performs count.

Exercises were: Carolina Dry Dock, Wide Grip Merkins, LBCs, Flutters, Lunges, Squat Jumps, Johnny Dramas, and more.

Thang 4: Run and Merkin

Mosey to the corner

20 Merkins

Sprint to the stop sign 100%

20 Merkins

Sprint to the next corner 80%

20 Merkins

Sprint up the hill 100%

20 Squats

Ricky Bobby back to AO


LBC IC (10, 20, 30, 20, 10)

Burpees (Placebo) x 10

Ring of Fire Merkins (Rambler) x 5


Football game happens a week from Saturday in the park. There will be beer and football. What could go wrong?


Repeat of message from the Earl (why not). Do the harder thing.

Moleskin: Great to see Mumbles back at it. Also, watch this video: