Touring Downtown at Honey Badger

April 29, 2022

WHEN: 04/29/2022
QIC: Botched
PAX: Banana Slug, Banana Split, Thisty, Kia, Nails, Managu, Theologian, Coxswain, Hutz,

YHC is the co-AOQ at #thefalcon, so his Friday workouts do not typically vary much in location (I mean, why would I want to leave the Durham’s Premier Friday Workout?? Kidding, Kia, kidding) But variety and new challenges are what lead to growth, and so YHC was pleased to accept when Kia invited him to Q at Honey Badger today.


YHC wanted to take advantage of the plethora of riches that the Honey Badger has for an AO. 11 PAX gathered in the gloom, including Thirsty – recently named as an FNG in Raleigh, and making his 2nd ever F3 post this morning. Thirsty lives in Durham, so we are hoping we get to see a lot more of him; welcome Thirsty!



  • SSH x25
  • Imperial Walker x12
  • LBAC/Reverse x12
  • Hillbilly x12
  • WMH x10
  • Good Morning x10
  • Slow Merkin x10


The Thang

Pax took a warm-up Mosey down Rigsbee Avenue, through the Skater Park, and down to the bottom of the grass hill (grassy knoll?). We split into two groups, and alternated doing AMRAP of the following exercises:

  • Wide Grip Merkins
  • Gas Pumps (Reverse Crunches)
  • Jump Squats

While one group exercised, the other acted as the timer, by running to the top of of the hill and back. We got through 3 complete circuits of this.


We then took a recovery Mosey down Foster Street until we reached Major the Bull. Every PAX found a suitable wall for the following exercises:

  • Box Jumps or Step-Ups (PAX choice)
  • Dips IC

We completed 4 sets, with rep counts of 10/15/15/10.


Mosey on back to Startex, where we had just enough time for a brief


  • Flutter Kick x50
  • Heels to Heaven x20


No Announcements today. Prayers for Nails, who had to bury his dog, Ginger, today.

YHC took us out. It was a honor to lead, as always!