The PAX Meet the Dean

July 21, 2017

WHEN: 07/21/2017
QIC: Dean Wormer
PAX: Hotwings, Spooky, Slug, Booboo, Sherman, EPO, Foghorn Leghorn, Turnpike, Mo Money

YHC arrived at Bastille, and per usual practice, checked Slack to see who was Q. Apparently, no one. So, the “improv Q” was launched. The PAX had no idea what was in store for them, and for better or for worse, neither did the Q.

The Warmup

SSH (x20 IC)
Imperial Walkers (x10 IC)
Willie Mays Hayes (x10 IC)
Arm Circles (x10 fwd; x10 rev)
Merkins (x10 IC)

The Thang

Run from parking lot to the underground parking area in SV. All PAX start together doing 2 pull ups, 4 merkins, and 6 LBCs. Then do a lap around the building and return to start. Add two pull ups each lap, and double the rest each lap, for a total of 5 laps. For the mathematically challenged, that looks like this:

Round 1- 2 PUs, 4 Merkins, 6 LBCs, run a lap
Round 2- 4 PUs, 8 Merkins, 12 LBCs, run a lap
Round 3- 6 PUs, 16 Merkins, 24 LBCs, run a lap
Round 4- 8 PUs, 32 Merkins, 48 LBCs, run a lap
Round 5- 10 PUs, 64 Merkins, 96 LBCs, run a lap

At some point YHC was doing 124 LBCs, so the heat must have been getting to us.

Fellowship jog back up to SV market street area and stop for some dips (x15), then jog to the SV Park and Ride bus stop.

Once all the PAX gathered, Bear Crawl (40 yards), then sprint (based on each PAX own definition of “sprint”) back to starting area in Southern Community Park.


After a quick WWII (x 20 OYO) set, the goal was for the PAX to offer ideas for unique sets. The PAX got an interesting single leg “climb”, a variation on a crab/LBC and some yoga inspired stretches…and honestly that’s all YHC can recall at this point.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, even when the opportunity was unexpected.