YHC saw an opportunity staring back at him- the Duck and Weave Q sheet was blank for 8/30/19. As the Pax anxious await the guest Q from Hightower next week on 9/6/19 I knew I needed to do something special for this Q. The motivation was high not only for myself but the Northern Region of Churham as we prepared training for the upcoming Iron Pax challenge. YHC had the perfect thing planned. Then Commodore requested and EC ruck-naturally this bad idea was accepted by YHC and we managed to also recruit Muzungu for a 3 Amigos EC.
- High Knees and Butt Kicks to bolas negras at the entrance of the River Walk
- SSH (25)
- WMH (10)
- Michael Phelps (1x IC)
- Ring of Fire 10 second Planks: regular/left arm up/right arm up/low hold
- OYO stretch of choice
The Thang
We formed a line and moseyed from the River Walk to River Park Ricky Bobby style. The pad no idea what waited them. At the top of the hill in the rain soaked field was Old Glory, planted in the soft ground. Next to the shovel flag as a board…the board of pain. This was first introduced to us courtesy of Pusher in July 2018. It was awful. The idea is each Pax completes the exercises from top to bottom and in-between each exercise type they would run a short lap setup by cones on the field before starting the next challenge. YHC wanted to replicate the suck as accurately as possible and thanks to the beauty of the internet and Pusher’s dedication as Q, I discovered in his orginal BB that we spent 29 minutes on the board of pain. YHC started his watch and said go!

Unfortunately there was some technical difficulty with the music. Apparently T-Mobile’s signature is not up to par at the River Park. YHC had spent the night before creating a playlist to motivate the Pax with a mix of rock/rap/rock/rap to give something for everyone. Unfortunately the streaming playlist didn’t work so I had to default to downloaded music on the phone. Here is the beauty of the BB I can share the playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFcv5Ma8u8k&list=PLH95rGHE0te68Ox8cyocjLhuZv_6RG6v1&index=5
The board of pain doesn’t take Mary into consideration so we counted our blessings that 29 minutes was over and moseyed back to the flag for prayers and announcements.
- Prayers for Labor Day travels
- Cortes’ family this weekend (M’s b-day and honoring his father-in-law’s legacy)
- YHC travel to Floyd, Virginia (the promised land)
- Announcement: Pusher thinks it is a good idea to keep the Monday workout at the same time at 0530 even though its a holiday….
You can’t crush the Pax spirits without a prize so we awarded the fastest time to Nubbin! He gets to hold onto the board of pain until he too is inspired for special Q which YHC hopes is not until next year’s Iron Pax challenge!

It was an honor men,