The Hills are alive with the sound of Burpees

June 29, 2017

WHEN: 06/29/2017
QIC: F3Churham
PAX: Au Jus, Shake It, Coco, Blackball, Hux, Prius, Bookman, Champ, Doogie, Red October, Draper

After the riding the lonely pine yesterday at Ramsees and enduring a Sweats beat YHC was fully prepared for a fern workout so that I could be fresh for the upcoming 1776 workout at AH tomorrow. With the Q sheet empty YHC decided to take the reigns and the rest is history.
Speaking of history. “History started on July 4th, 1776. The rest was just a mistake” – Ron Swanson
3 Pax showed up for 165 pull-ups EC this am.
Warm up
SSH x 25 IC
Willie Mays Hays x 10 IC
Arm Circles x 12 forward and back
MTN climbers x 20 IC
Merkins x 25 IC
The Thang:
True to form lately with OCL we picked one thing and decided to master it. That one thing was Park Ridge Hill. According to Strava the subject BFH is .1 miles at an 11% Grade.
We did a Jacob”s Ladder starting with 9 burpees at the top and 1 HR Merkin at the bottom. This took about 30 minutes to complete. That”s 1 mile of hill climbs if you are scoring at home. 2 miles total.
We moseyed back to the school for some Bulgarian Split squats 3 x 10 each leg.
Flutter Kicks
American Hammers
Ankle Grabbers
We have at least 2 Patriotic themed workouts tomorrow. Animal House (1 hour) and Falcon.
Prayers for Shake-It”s brother, Subprime and all the other silent prayers.
It”s truly is an honor to lead you men. SYITG (tomorrow)!