The Eagle Soars

February 7, 2020

WHEN: 02/03/2020
QIC: Avalanche
PAX: Avalanche, Barksdale, Beano, Bells, Botched, Loonie, Ocho, OPEC, Wrinkles

TClaps to Ocho and Barksdale for growing The Eagle to what it is today.  The site hit the three-year mark with this week, and I hit my five-year mark at the same time.  Kim Jong Still head locked me for my first post at Fetzer with Shooter, and Dean Smith had recently died.  I typically recognize Dean Smith on my anniversary Qs (with reps equal to his wins), but this one was more focused on the local site and the strong positive community there.  Three years ago I was lucky enough to have Beano join forces with me to launch The Eagle, and it’s been a great crossroads for the Durham and Chapel Hill men to meet half way.  I can say that it has been a blessing to have an opportunity to start my Monday mornings with the F3 community, which includes new faces, neighbors, and old friends.  The rest of the week is really easy after you’ve been served some Thunderstruck Merkins by Barksdale or a sneaky creative series on the basketball court by Ocho.

The Monday morning AO is a great motivator, and provides a quick win.  I was inspired by Admiral McRaven’s UT Austin’s commencement speech, specifically the part about making your bed—if you make it first thing you’ve already accomplished something, and you can carry that momentum and sense of accomplishment with you through the day to accomplish more.  I think the Monday morning post goes hand-in-hand with making one’s bed.

The workout was fairly simple.  WU: SSH, Arm Circles, WMH, Jump Lunges, Little Man Jumping Jacks, Seal Claps, Merkins.

The PAX brought tons of metal for a Heavy Metal Monday circuit.  Series included a metal exercise and method of travel.  Some of the exercises were as follows: OH Press/Crawl Bear down & Bear Crawl back, KB-Sandbag-Ruck Swings/Crawl Bear down & Bear Crawl back, Weighted Squats and Carolina Dry Docks/Run, Weighted Lunge Walks/WWIIs, Pull-ups/Run & Plank, also some Bear Crawls traveling with weight.