The Cocoon of Retiree Island

June 22, 2020

WHEN: 06/12/2020
QIC: Bump Draft
PAX: Zook, Homegrown Berry, Dr. Phil, Marky Mark, Chum, Paper Jam, Brotox, Jingles, Stubbs, Boyardee, Paper Boy, Bright Idea

Cocoon | film by Howard [1985] | Britannica

Warm-up: SSH 25 and 25 seal-clap jacks; 25 squats; and 25 arm circles;

Buy-in: 1-round circuit: 10 pull-ups or rows; 10 incognito burpees; 20 squats; 2 round 12 pullups; 12 incognito burpees; 25 squats

Sprint to stop sign and then Bernie Flying Nun Down block towards retirement section (clubhouse)

ME: Run lines both sides fast;

Plank everyone does 10 count; automatically move to 10 mountain climbers; 10 plank shoulder taps; plank 12 count; then 12 mountain climbers; 12 plank shoulder taps; 15 count plank; 15 mountain climbers, and 15 taps

Crab walk to bocce-ball court;

Dry Docks x 5 in cadence); decline merkinsx5; ab raises x5 (turn around and hold edge); bear crawl around back; crawl bear back;

8; 8; 8; again; again

Ran back to AO to complete Mary


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