The 100

March 31, 2020

WHEN: 04/01/2020
QIC: Stop Drop and Roll

The 100

Succinct. Deadly. Like a Chuck Norris Judo-chop to the throat or a softly whispered “your love handles are so cute” from the M. You have 10 exercises for time. No substitutions, no re-organizing, no mix-and-match. Do the order as RX’d. Time it. Period.

This is not a competition to see who can most intelligently arrange the exercises. It’s how hard you can push through the slog of doing the same exercise on repeat. When the same muscle feels burnt out, can you keep pushing? 100 of each. Do all 100 before moving on to the next exercise. Take breaks as needed, but finish.

Timer stops when you finish the 100 meter run. Post your times to the Rameses Channel. Humble/not so humble brags strongly encouraged.

  • 100 SSH
  • 100 merkins
  • 100 squats
  • 100 LBCs
  • 100 drydocks
  • 100 Monkey Humpers
  • 100 dips
  • 100 flutter kicks
  • 100 burpees
  • 100 meter sprint

That’s it. That’s the exercise.