Sweaty Dora at The Big Dance

July 17, 2019

WHEN: 07/16/2019
QIC: Boucher
PAX: Banana Split, Bells, Crimson, Dial Up, GMV, Kia, Knope, Low Tide, Nimby, Soda Popinski

For several years, YHC was a regular at TBD and is always honored to be at the “house that Sweats” built. It was great to be with the The Big Dance Crew and Banana Split and Bell’s Co-Q leadership continues to bring a strong effort.

We started with a standard Warm-Up

SSH IC x 20
IW IC x 20
WMH IC x 20
Arm Circles IC x 40 (10 Forward, 10 Backward, 10 big, 10 small)
Mountain Climbers IC x 20
Diamond Merkins x 10
Standard Merkins x 10
Hand Release Merkins x 10
Wide Grip Merkins x 10

We then moseyed through the Forest Hills neighborhood at a fellowship pace to get (nearly) a mile run in and arrived at the tennis courts for a sweaty dora…

The Thang
We counted off by sixes, and did the following series of exercises:
BTTW/Travelling Burpees to the end of the second court and back (followed by a recover lap around all the courts)
Peoples Chair/Bear Crawl to the end of the third tennis court (followed by a recover lap around all the courts)
Plank/Walking lunge to the end of the third tennis court (followed by a recover lap around all the courts)
The cherry on top was the Merkin Gauntlet/Merkin Ricky Bobby which was significantly brutal and unnecessary. Fellowship pace to the startex.

YHC wanted to incorporate some stretching into Mary.
Seated Strait leg stretch
Heels to Heaven IC x 20
Sprinters Stretch
Flutter Kicks IC x 20
Hug your knees
J-Lo’s IC x 10
Foot over opposite thigh stretch

It was great to be with the Big Dance Crew! Much to be grateful for!
Prayers to Bell’s Sister Lisa as she deals with a recent health concern
Prayers to Riggs and his family as they support each other through the loss of his Mother-In-Law
