Running in Circles

July 25, 2019

WHEN: 07/25/2019
QIC: Catskill
PAX: Boucher, Brotox, Candy Crush, Dueling Banjos, Klinger, Nacho Libre, Palmolive, Quicken & Spooky

Warm up: 10IC Good Morning, 15 IC Imperial Walker, 20 IC SSH, 15IC WMH, 10IC Forward Arm Circle, 10IC Reverse Arm Circle

ME: Planned Track run was thwarted by YHC’s lack of planning and knowledge of a familiar AO. Should have known track location and that it was locked. It was a temporary delay that allowed for a longer mosey to the beginning of our workout, which went like this:

10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins, run a (roughly) 1/4 mile around the upper student parking area. Commence repeating same exercises in a descending manner until 1 of each was completed. A couple speedy pax continued back up until the six finished their objective.

Mary: Spooky led Boat/Canoe, Plank, Low plank hold, Right & Left arm high Plank, Brotox led American Hammer, Plank, Low plank hold, Right & Left arm high Plank, Dueling Banjos led Flutter Kicks

Co T: This is my second time out after taking off a couple weeks for vacation and overindulging, which I am now paying for. As I struggle to get back to reasonable level of fitness I’m reminded that this is a marathon not a sprint and I encourage all of you to do the same for yourself and those in your lives. Iron sharpens Iron. Until next time, Aye!