Ringing the Bells #FocusOnForm

December 3, 2018

WHEN: 12/03/2018
QIC: Moore
PAX: Homes, Kevin, Smokes, Prancing Horse, Burgundy (FNG), Bates (FNG), B&B, Pookie, Spooky, Flatline, Outbreak, Zika, Vandelay, Bushwood, Cauliflower, Champ, Cheesesteak, Sweetpeas, Beano, Swingline, Moore

5 started for a brisk 5k before we got down to work…

With this being “Focus on Form Week” in Churham, I thought it’d be good to learn a little about those kettlebells we all see folks using at the gym. I don’t know much about them but had a feeling they’d be deceptively challenging (andrewarding). And, as for may exercises, a bit of form goes a long way toward getting the most out of them while also preventing injury. With our resident kettlebell expert Smokes at the helm offering form tips, we set out to turn that KB swing into a full body strength and cardio workout.


25 Side shuffle hops (reminder to modify as needed)

10 cotton pickers

10 Willie Mays Hayes

10 Imperial Walkers

The Thang

Pair up and find your KB weight of choice. Must say the choices were a bit heavier across the board than I’d hoped. Kevin’s plastic KB was a fan favorite!

For each set, the timer was one PAX doing a 25m round-trip 90 lb sled pull. This simulates one piece of the new Army Combat Fitness Test (https://www.nationalguard.mil/News/Article/1569923/army-combat-fitness-test-set-to-become-new-pt-test-of-record/). Thanks Flatline for lending the sled!

Round #1 – 4 sets each (8 sets total)

  • Partner #1 – Goblet squats (Flip KB upside down and hold in front of chest. Keep back straight and slowly start sitting down like you’re in a chair, quads down to parallel, knees over but not in front of toes, knees slightly out.)
  • Partner #2 – Mountain Climbers

Round #2 – 3 sets (6 sets total)

  • Partner #1 – Kettlebell Swing (Start by picking up KB ~6” in front of your feet. Keep back straight and starting with bent knees, thrust your hips forward with momentum swinging the KB up to eye level. This is a core exercise, not arms.)
  • Partner #2 – Alternating Punches (Two jabs left, touch ground in the middle, two jabs right, repeat…)

Round #3 – 3 sets (6 sets total)

  • Partner #1 – Goblet Lunge (Flip KB upside down and hold in front of chest. Step forward keeping knee over and not in front of the toes. Thrust back up. Keep back straight.)
  • Partner #2 – Twizzlers (Standard merkin, but at the top lift on arm up and flip that same leg back over the other. Back to standard merkin and repeat on other side.)

We next turned to break down my favorite hotel gym workout/exercise, the Turkish Get-up. This is a complicated, but very “rewarding” exercise, so we broke it into 4 progressive pieces doing 5 reps each for practice:

  • Sit-up with arm behind for stabilization
  • Sit-up with arm behind for stabilization. Side plank.
  • Sit-up with arm behind for stabilization. Side plank. Up on one knee.
  • Sit-up with arm behind for stabilization. Side plank. Up on one knee. Stand up.

There was a bit of discussion about which knee should start bent relative to the extended arm. It turns out either one is acceptable, but here’s a YouTube video in case you’d like to watch for any reminders on the overall form (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dx2rM1FSgE).

Stretch Cool-Down

Since we’d gotten a fair amount of core work with the Turkish Get-ups, and most of us don’t spend enough time stretching, Flatline led us thru a quick 5-minute set of dynamic stretches.

  • Polka toe touches – One foot out front, lean down and touch then swing that leg into a reverse lunge. 10 each side then switch.
  • Groiners – Starting from a plank position, swing left leg leg up parallel to your left hand. Repeat on right side. 10 reps cadence count.
  • Awkward Merkins – Starting in a plank position, swing left leg up to left hand. 10 merkins. Repeat on right side.


Get to know your fellow PAX. Who knew Smokes was a certified KB trainer before this week. I didn’t.

Reach out to PAX you haven’t seen in a while and give them a gentle nudge to get back out. I went 2 for 3 this morning.

Welcome FNG’s Burgundy and Bates!
