
September 5, 2019

WHEN: 09/03/2019
QIC: Cricket
PAX: Zook, Nescafe, RG3, Iron Lung (respect), Mothman, Grunge, Duelling Banjos, Jingles

10 Mile Tuesday arrived with tropical depression-like regularity. One PAX was determined to make it count…….

Warm Up

SSH, WMH, Cankles


The 10 Mile PAX met at 0445 to get their run on. RG3 was there and itching to get his distance PB.

The route now feels like a comfortable pair of old slippers, that somehow give you ball chaffing and raw nipples. The PAX settled into a fellowship pace with plenty of mumble chatter.

5 Mile PAX were ready, waiting and keen as mustard when the 10 Milers approached. It’s always a great feeling to bring in some fresh legs just when the mumble chatter is dying. YHC had suggested that the ‘Quickies’ poke off ahead at best pace, but they were content to remain with the fellowship group and a nice pace was adopted.

RG3 was going strong from start to finish and finished at a gallop! All the PAX were happy that one of their Brothers achieved a milestone. YHC suggests that he be renamed RG10…..


Be serious, if we’d have laid down, we wouldn’t have got up!


Zen Squirrel is happening Sept 28, check the link https://runsignup.com/Race/NC/ChapelHill/ZenSquirrelTrailRun


YHC loves getting to go running with PAX who are clearly far and above his level, having models to emulate is a key part to getting better as a human. Think who you admire and do what they do. AYE!