Return to the Gloom

July 22, 2019

WHEN: 07/22/2019
QIC: Dueling Banjos
PAX: GTL, Marky Mark, Zook, Skynard, Bunyon, Nescafe, Chum, Yanni, Fieri, Cricket, RG3, John Boy, Mothman, Brotox, Pietri, Grunge, Splash back, Bright Idea, Gomer, Jingles, Duplo, Dueling Banjos

A convergence of work, travel, and fartsack events had conspired against YHC. The result – YHC had been absent from the Thicket for months. On top of absentia, YHC had just been on family vacation in Denver for well over a week. Suffering from jet lag and an extra 5 vacation pounds were no excuse for not Qing the Thicket (the original Briar Chapel / Chatham County site). The intent would be to craft a workout that would be tough for all and survivable for YHC.  

Three to four PAX did pull-ups and burpees. No FNGs, but YHC reminded the PAX to go at their own pace. Given vacation season, we didn’t need any injuries.  Counterama yielded 21 PAX. 1 PAX snuck in late to make it 22.

Warm up:

Good mornings IC x 10

WMH IC x 10

Arm Circles IC x 10 (FWD and BACK)

Slow Merkins IC x 10

Thang 1: Run with exercise set.

Use the entire e soccer field to run back and forth. At each end line, stop for exercises. Start with Merkins. Run. Then add Merkins + WWIIs and so on.

Exercises were:

Slow Merkins x 10

Slow WWIIs x 10

Slow Carolina Dry Docks x 10

Burpee x 10

Thang 2: Bear Crawl with exercise set.

Similar to Thang 1, we would IC Bear Crawl the field. After every 10 IC counts, we stop for exercises.

Exercises were:

  • IC Bear crawl x 10
  • SSH x 10
  • Shoulder tap x 10
  • Squat x 10
  • Surfee to midfield. (per FL Bunyon’s request)

Thang 3: Lunge with exercise set

Similar to Thang 1 and 2, we would Lunge walk IC. After 10 count, we stop for exercise set that builds as we go.

Exercises were:

  • lunge walk IC x 10
  • Invisible jump Rope IC x 10
  • Monkey Humpers IC x 10
  • squat jumps x 10
  • Burpees x 10

Thang 4: F3 Ultimate

Rules: PAX split into two teams. After every drop, each PAX must do 2 burpees. 


No time


Thursday 2nd F at the MOD. Start at 7 or 8ish.

Zook offered badge for any PAX to complete the 6 pack. Six BC AOs in 6 days.