Puttin the OG in yOGa

June 13, 2018

WHEN: 06/13/2018
QIC: Eddie the Eagle
PAX: RG3, Duplo, Nanu-Nanu, Bright Idea, GTL, Flenderson, Rambler, Sneaky Shoes, Stubb’s, Griswold, Zook, Eddie the Eagle

12 Pax gathered in the gloom (2 EC ruckers Flenderson & Rambler)

An invitation from Boyardee to Q the Big House as part of “OG Month” was interpreted by YHC to mean “old guy” month and we proceeded accordingly. Since old guys move slow, the pax began with three sets of OG approved yoga moves punctuated by 3 sets of SSH x 40 palate cleaners.

The Warmup:
SSH x40
Yoga set A – the deconstructed burpee

SSH x 40 (old guys repeat themselves)
Yoga set B – the chairs and warriors

SSH x40 (old guys repeat themselves)
Yoga set C – the knee dips and side planks

The Thang:
Sufficiently warmed up and stretched, the pax transitioned to a different kind of OG. Organesson or OG is man-made element #118 (old guys know alot of useless stuff). And how better to remember OG #118 than a 1 – 18 Squat/Merkin Jacob’s Ladder. Pretty challenging to grind out 171 Merkins (and thanks to GTLs call for ROF, we actually did 181)

During this activity, RG3 dislocated his right kneecap and is, sadly, out for 6 – 8 weeks on IR. There is nothing worse than being the Q and having a man go down. Sorry about the injury RG and hope you recover quickly. Thanks Flenderson for the impromptu ambulance service + a return to finish the workout.

Between the injury timeout and the overly time-consuming Jacob’s Ladder, thus endeth the ME.

LBC x 50
Flutter Kick x 30
Ring of Fire x10
Mountain Climbers x20
Yoga Rest – 30 seconds

Send-off gathering for golden pinky on Wed, June 20 at The Wall at 8pm. BYO.
Nitro’s surgery postponed, keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Prayers for Nitro and RG3.

Thinking about Anthony Bourdain who took his own life last week. The guy lived a life many men would envy: He was wealthy, traveled to the most beautiful places, dined on the best food, was surrounded by friends, and was welcomed with open arms wherever he went. Yet even his closest friends didn’t realize how lost he was. It is a good reminder to reach out to those around us — for them and for ourselves — and strive for genuine connections. The answer to the biblical question “Am I my brother’s keeper?” is Yes. Yes, you are.