Prison yard weights

March 10, 2018

WHEN: 03/10/2018
PAX: CrabJake, Ito, Rebar, Dean Wormer, DeLorean, MARTA, and cameo appearances by Cheesesplint and Blindside

TL;DR version:  Lift, Shift, Repeat.

Full BB:

YHC has been out of the game for a few weeks with a torn calf from the ill-fated Joe Warner Bragg Heavy. Been going stir crazy not being able to post with the boys. Know how to ensure the beatdown includes no running or jumping? Sign up to Q and bring about 1000 lbs of iron.

Simplicity is the soul of suck. Or something like that.

30sec on (AMRAP), 30sec off (to rotate to next lift). Rinse and repeat till you start to see stars.

Stations included:

Bench press, yes, with an actual bench (variations encouraged, including incline, wide grip, and close grip)

35# KB swings

50# KB goblet squats, butt to black punkin to ensure proper depth

Rows (mix in upright and bent over), options 65#/45# barbells

Overhead press 45# barbell

Curls for the Gurls 50# curl bar

Some PAX mixed in some abwork and/or a jogbreak station when arms reached failure.


MARY got a little chippy

CrabJake: LBC

Ito: Advanced planks (bird dogs, star planks)

DW: Heels to Heaven

Rebar: Bows n toes

DeLo: 4 merkins, due to jelly arms from the iron pump

Dr. Cheese (who came late from a ruck with Blindside and his balls, so his arms weren’t quite as jelly) took issue with just 4 merks, so called a bonus low-plank ring of fire 10 count, but 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-1-2 because DeLo can’t count higher than 4. When it came around to DeLo, he held a searing stink-eye on Cheese, proved he could count to 10, but held steady on 9 with that stink-eye intensity turned up to 11 until Cheese surrendered.

Thankfully, it didn’t come to blows, and after COT, we all left as brothers. So great to get back out and burn with the crew. Involuntary hiatus really the brings the greatness of F3 into sharp relief.  Need this group.  Thanks men.