Post of the Century

January 22, 2019

WHEN: 01/22/2019
QIC: Cosmo
PAX: Bellhop, Brick, WeedNFeed, Awesome Baby, Vespa, OPEC

Dubbed this one the Cosmo Century Club, with a bit of boasting Monday on The Piranha Channel about how dirty this beatdown would be.

Planned 100 burpees, 160 merkins and 200 LBCs total, mixed in with Other Stuff, thinking this would be a sufficient challenge, making up for in degree of difficulty what it lacked in variety.

What happened was six dadgum studs showed up in 16-degree weather and blew this out of the water, more than earning their lifetime membership in the Cosmo Century Club (CCC). They also forced YHC to improvise at the end, as they destroyed the planned beatdown with ample time to spare. This wound up bumping the totals to 111 burpees and 200 merkins, plus additional Other Stuff. Impressive. Most impressive.


SSH X 20
Coby Whites (greatly improved Bobby Hurleys) X 20
Willie Mays Hayes X 10
Good morning X 10
5 burpees OYO
LBAC X 10 and reverse X 10
5 burpees OYO
Abe Vigoda X 10
5 burpees OYO
Slow merkin X 10
5 burpees OYO


Mosey to Filbert for a lap which included stops for:

5 burpees
10 merkins
5 burpees
10 merkins

Mosey to back parking lot

Partner up
One partner does 10 merkins and plank holds while other partner runs to utility pole for 5 burpees. Four rounds so everyone gets 20 burpees and 40 merkins.

Mosey to blacktop for four corners

10 burpees
20 LBC single count
30 merkins
40 BWT squats

Back down the mountain

40 burpees
20 merkins
10 BWT squats

Recovery lap to main parking lot


30 LBC single count
10 merkins
30 LBC single count
10 merkins
30 LBC single count
10 merkins
30 LBC single count
10 merkins
30 LBC single count

For a satisfying total of 200 LBCs

With tons of time to spare, added the following

11 burpees (for a satisfying total of 111)
10-merkin/plank ring of fire
30 merkins for a satisfying total of 200 (Full disclosure: YHC got stuck on 22 when everyone else was done, so did my 8 plus a few penalty merkins post-COT)
Heels to Heaven X 30 IC


Prayers for Brick’s father’s cousin and Bellhop’s wife’s cousin as they battle serious health issues. YHC took us out.


Have you checked out the Piranha yet? You should! If you’ve checked it out but haven’t been in a while, come out again soon! It’s an awesome site with loads of options for mixing up the workouts and a great group of regulars. Props once again to Brick and WeedNFeed for getting it off the ground.

Always a pleasure and honor to lead. Continually inspired by this great group of men to try to get better every day. Aye!