Oh look there are some tennis courts up here!

July 18, 2018

WHEN: 07/18/2018
QIC: Toast McQueen
PAX: @stopdropandroll, @buffay, @ nickleback, @cortez, @pusher, @milton, @fancypirate, @muzungu

YHC decide that on this humid Wednesday morning the PAX who showed up at #the-skunk would be treated to a whole new world of fun by discovering that there were tennis courts to play on.  So after a quick hello we began our journey.


10 imperial walker, 12 WMHs, 10 each little baby arm circles from and back and 10 each seal and overhead claps, 15 SSH

We then started with a quick circle burp before we began to mosey toward the tennis courts.  As we began headlights appeared and everyone said explitives because we all knew @buffay was late and penalty burpees would be done.  So after arriving at the tennis courts we all did 6 penalty burpees for the 6 minutes that @buffay was late.  Then we entered the tennis courts.  YHC had thought that there were 4 courts but as it turns out there are 8 so the plan to begin with a suicide was scrapped as it would have taken us the full time to complete.  So YHC brought out 2 bags of tennis balls.  In one bag were balls with exercises and numbers on them.  These ball were to be thrown as far as possible down the line of courts.  In the other bag were balls that had ways to travel in them.  These ball had to be grabbed randomly so that we would know how to get to the other ball.  Once a PAX reached the thrown ball they would sprint back to the start then pick up the 6.  Once all PAX made it to the thrown ball the exercise was done and all PAX jogged back to the start.  There were 6 rounds of this.  For example @fancypirate pulled a ball and threw it.  Then @pusher pulled a ball and read what it said “traveling Burpees”.  So with that all PAX did traveling burpees to the ball @fancypirate threw.  Once were were all there we did the exercise on that ball, which was 50 Side Shuffle Hops.  Then we all ran back and did it all over again with new balls.


20 Freddie, 20 Flutter, 30 LBCs, 5 V-up holds for 10 count


@buffay is having a boy and until further notice the 2.0 will be called Charlie Munger

@muzungu has a kid that turns 5 today so that is great.

#2ndF tonight at The WNP 8:00pm