If it wasn’t for the prominent snake theme, this morning was trending toward an “F3, The Musical” backblast title. There were two PAX members with “banjo” in their names, QIC’s warmup cadence seemingly evoked a medieval Gregorian chant, and the naming of an FNG produced Phil Collins song titles. But, alas, the snake …
- Chinook (x lucky number 13)
- Windmill (x13)
- Imperial Walker (x13)
The Thang
The stalwart PAX forms a line and prepares to head into Briar Chapel, taking the form of … a black snake
The Black Snake: an Indian Run, with good open spacing. The group runs towards their destination. PAX at the back runs to the front by weaving in and out of the open line.
(Meanwhile, a sunrise appears)
The snake winds down and around and up and over and ends up at the mouth of a lovely new length of virgin asphalt.
The PAX forms two lines. Bear Crawl Inch Worm. It’s essentially a bear crawl Indian run. The line bear crawls, head to foot to head to foot, and the man at the rear rises and runs to the front, and becomes a bear.
The bear crawl inch worm worms until it gets to the perfect spot where, due to the lazy hazy days of summer, a Lazy Dora commences.
Per the F3 lexicon: “An estranged and despised relative of Dora 1-2-3. Partner up. Partners perform 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, & 300 Squats as a team. With no running (sorry, runners). P1 starts with 10 Merkins while P2 Planks, then switch. Continue switching between merkins and plank until 100 total merkins reached. Next, while P1 does 20 LBCs, P2 performs a 6″ leg hold until P1 is finished, then switch. Continue switching until all 200 LBCs are completed. Finally, P1 does 25 Squats while P2 does Squat Hold, then switch. Continue switching until 300 total squats are completed.”
The PAX gather their wits, and reform two black snakes, which weave their way to the pavilion for three sets of:
Dips (in cadence) x20 or thereabouts
Derkins x 20 or so
World War IIs
Flutter Kicks
Mosey to the parking lot for …
A big ol’ Ring of Fire, Briar Chapel style. Five Merkins for each man, while the group restfully planks away their morning.
LBC’s (Stinky Pete)
WWIIs (John Boy)
Heels to Heaven (Banjo)
40 count of Prom Nights (Yanni) – Wow, just, wow.
The Big House kicks off with it’s inaugural flourish this very Wednesday, July 12. 5:45 am. Be there or be square. The growth of the group has been amazing. Thanks to the site Q’s who made this all possible.
Dueling Banjoes mentions VQ month coming to The Big House in October, so call to all virgin Qs to step up and put their names on the Q sheet.
Trail running group hits the trails on Tuesday AMs. 6-7am
Welcome FNGs Manwell, Manscaper and Sussudio!
It’s YHC’s honor to be a part of y’alls day. Thanks for everything. Have a good one.
– Bunyan