Kenan Olympics

February 7, 2022

WHEN: 02/07/2022
QIC: Spooky
PAX: Light-weight, Boucher, Nightshift, Homegrown Berry, Flapjack, Knope, Dogwood, Cosmo, Right-swipe

Welcome to the 2022 Kenan Olympics!

Conditions were warmer than expected at 34 degrees, but instead of a nice snowfall we had light rain.

Ten pax circled up for a Spooky beat-down.

Thang One:

Mosey to Hooker fields for flat ground events: Cross Country skiing, Speed skating, Ab Skiing, Curling and Skating Short-track.

Partner up – partners stick together and perform the same exercise (for incentive and comradeship).  Russians always represent.

The runners were the timer as they ran a “short track” around one soccer field.  Other pax were at stations performing:

– Cross Country skiing (Jane Fonda’s)

– Speed skating

– Ski Abs

– Curling   (Each pax pushes weights (“rocks”) in bear crawl movement across the field.)

Repeat-o for a total of two complete rounds


Thang Two:

Mosey to the parking deck while carrying the “rocks”.  Run up the stairs to the top where we could start our alpine events.

Half the group pushes the “rocks” down the parking decks.  The other half alternated between: crawl walk “luge”, triple jump burpees “Super G”, backwards run with burpees “Freestyle”.

When we reached the bottom, pickup the “rocks” and mosey to the AO.


“Snowball” Mary exercises. YHC calls out a Mary exercise x 20 then yells out a pax name. Pax has three seconds to run to the middle and call out a new Mary exercise x 20. Repeat-o until time is up.